Children’s Books on Patience

child reading a book
Part of’s Series:

Stories by Virtue

Here is the next article for our new children’s books series. Continue to keep the kids entertained this summer by having them read these fun books that also teach them a value all children (and adults) struggle with: patience.

Ages 3-5

This Monster Cannot Wait

This Monster Cannot Wait by Bethany Barton is about a monster named Stewart who gets to go camping in a few days. The only problem is that he wants to speed up time and go camping RIGHT NOW. Luckily, his parents know that good things come to those who wait and teach Stewart how to be patient.

this monster cannot wait
courtesy of

The Magic of Patience

The Magic of Patience by Rosalyn White is part of a series of Indian folk tales that teaches values. Monkey is always teasing Buffalo, who endures it with kindness and patience. One day Monkey overhears Buffalo telling a sprite that his secret to patience is that he treats Monkey as a true friend, and is trying to teach him to be patient as well.

the magice of patience
courtesy of

The Little Bear and the Big Bear

The Little Bear and the Big Bear by Monica Dumont is about a happy little bear and a very grumpy big bear. The two become friends and the little bear is able to teach the big bear how to deal with emotions such as frustration, anxiety, and anger with patience.

the little bear and the big bear
courtesy of

If You Want to See a Whale

If You Want to See a Whale by Julie Fogliano and Erin Stead is about a boy and his dog who want to see a whale more than anything. So they go out to sea and wait. And wait. And wait some more. It turns out that seeing a whale isn’t the easiest thing to do. But it you are patient, you might get what you want.

if you want to see a whale
courtesy of

Ages 6-8

Noah Builds a Boat

Noah Builds a Boat by Dr. Mary Manz Simon and Lyuba Bogan retells the Noah and the Ark story with a focus on three virtues. Noah obeys the Lord when He commands Noah to build the ark, has patience when he gathers and loads two of every animal, and shows gratitude when he and his family are saved from the flood.

noah builds a boat
courtesy of

Ben Hurry

Ben Hurry by Doug Peterson is a Veggie Tales book pulling a twist on the classic Ben Hur. Junior Asparagus and Laura Carrot want to go to an amusement park right away. But when their trip is delayed, they go into a book store which whisks them away to Ancient Rome. There they meet Ben Hurry, who is so impatient to get to a chariot race that he causes chaos.

ben hurry
courtesy of


Wait a Minute

Wait a Minute by Dori Chaconas and Lisa McCue is about two friends, a patient muskrat named Cork and an impatient possum named Fuzz. When they see a giant yellow object in the sky, they eagerly chase it; Fuzz acts without thinking while patient Cork is more cautious.

wait a minute
courtesy of

Ages 9-12

The Value of Patience: The Story of the Wright Brothers

The Value of Patience: The Story of the Wright Brothers by Spencer Johnson tells us the lives of Orville and Wilbur Wright as they try to build the first airplane. They build airplane model after airplane model that doesn’t work. But they are patient and persevere until they succeed.

the value of patience
courtesy of

Mieko and the Fifth Treasure

Mieko and the Fifth Treasure by Eleanor Coerr is about a Japanese girl named Mieko who loves to do calligraphy. But when the atom bomb is dropped on Nagasaki, her hand is injured and she can barely hold a paintbrush. Mieko feels she has lost something, her fifth treasure, but with time and patience, she will find it and paint calligraphy again.

mieko and the fifth treasure
courtesy of

The ACB With Honora Lee

The ACB With Honora Lee by Kate De Goldi is about Perry and her busy, impatient parents. They visit Perry’s grandmother, Honora Lee, in her rest home once a week even though she doesn’t remember who they are. But Perry will learn not only love and patience, but that her Grandma has an interest in the alphabet. Soon, the two of them start an alphabet book which gets everyone interested.

the ACB with Honora Lee
courtesy of

So whether it is by monsters, buffalo, or vegetables, I hope these stories help your children learn the value of patience. Patience is a skill that few people have, so it is good to start teaching your children about it while they are still young.