Founding Member of SEAL Team Six Shares Journey to LDS Church


This article was originally published by Jason Wright for Deseret News.

Frank Anthony Phillips sits in his clean, organized office next to his wife, Marci. Midday rays pour through a window and bathe them both in flattering light. When Frank looks at his best friend, which he does often during our two-hour interview, his features soften and the Spirit draws a smile on his experienced face.

Frank was a founding member of one of the United States military’s closest, most elite families: the Navy’s SEAL Team Six. He is accomplished — both on the battlefield and in business. He’s also authentic, genuine and tough.

In fact, he’s so tough, people don’t tell those clever Chuck Norris-style jokes about Frank Phillips. They wouldn’t be funny; they’d be true.

Marci is a founding member of a biological family she never knew. As an infant, she was dropped on a doorstep in Korea and soon adopted in the United States. She is kind, extraordinarily capable and equally accomplished in business.

As I listen to Frank, as I watch his clear, confident eyes, it’s obvious he possesses great faith and trust in three things: God, Marci and second chances.

Read the rest of the article at

Morgan is a journalism student at Brigham Young University. She enjoys writing lifestyle articles for The Universe at BYU, Sugardoodle, and