What One YSA Stake is Doing to Share the Gospel

Sharing The Gospel on a Laptop

The Provo YSA 11th Stake in Provo, UT had a combined Family Home Evening activity last night with the More Good Foundation. President Lewis has urged his stake to participate in world-wide missionary work by taking to Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, blogs and Google+ to share the gospel.

Members learning how to use Pinterest to share the gospel

The entire stake met together and first heard remarks from President Lewis who said that every member is “called to share.” The stake is implementing a special Sunday School class that will be taught by full-time missionaries to teach members how to be better missionaries using social media. Gabby Cunningham, of the More Good Foundation, spoke to the stake and shared why it is important for every member to be a missionary. Her remarks included a video which showcases what church leaders have to say about social media and missionary work:

After the opening remarks, members of the stake participated in workshops where they learned about various social platforms and how to best share the gospel with their friends and family. A simple ‘like’ on Facebook, a ‘+1’ on Google+, or posting an LDS themed picture or quote on Instagram helps make LDS content more visible to others. The event helped Young Adults see how to incorporate living the gospel into their social media presence without being overbearing. Your fingers have been trained to text and tweet to accelerate the gospel and advance the work of the Lord.

At this “Share Fair” the stake had a goal to share the gospel on one of the many platforms presented 1,000 times. They surpassed their goal with a final total of 1,422 shares and an increased desire to master the social tools available to them.

We’ve written how anyone can share the gospel on LDS.net, and we are excited that more and more members are taking the great message of the gospel to the world.

In the comments below, share your experiences of sharing your testimony through social media.

Adam was born and raised in Southern California then went to high school in Arizona. He is currently pursuing a degree in English at BYU-Hawaii.