church position on our sexuality


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Please someone inform me as to why there is no mention of masterbation anywhere, yet it is very common and is everyones true nature regardlless of being straight or gay; male or female or very young to our dying days; married or unmarried. Healthy or unhealthy??

If the church teaches us that being gay is ok as long as you remain untrue to yourself. Don't you think that there can be happiness in being a practicing homosexual. The feelings you seem to think that are reserved for heterosexxuals only are universl just like we are all children of God.

please let me know what exactly happened in the garden of eden to divide the human race


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To answer your final questioin "what exactly happened in the garden of eden to divide the human race sexually? Well in my humble opinion Heavenly Father happened. He made a decision that Man should not be alone and created Woman, not another Man.

We are commanded to be Chaste. Chastity in my opinion includes no masturbation. I can't think of a more selfish act, unless its maybe suicide. Two things that totally separate you from love. Two things that separate you from Heavenly Father.

I know that we are here on this earth because we made a premortal choice to come to this earth, receive and imperfect body and be tested. Can we learn to control this body or will this body control our spirit? Its VERY healthy for our spirits (or mind, if you prefer) to control the body. This has been proven in many ways when it comes to serious health issues. There are many studies of mind over matter, bio-feedback, etc and the benefits.

I know that when I control my body I'm happier and I can be there for my family. I also know that my son was unable to learn to control his body and eventually it cost him his life at age 21. I know that we are all given bodies with imperfections to overcome.

The church does not teach that gays people should be untrue to themseles but to be honest, and true and to practice the law of Chastitity. If whomever can not honestly have a sexual relationship within the holy bonds of matrimony then you remain single and hold to the requirements of Chastity while single. Its a choice.

You have your God-given moral agency. I have my moral agency. We all have our moral agency. No where in the scriptures are the words "free agency". The definition of moral is "of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior. " The definition of agency is "the capacity, condition, or state of acting or of exerting power." Choose. Which side are you on?

I choose to work to the best of my ability to be on God's side. To follow His commandments even when its hard, because I KNOW that if I'm faithful in my obeidence to His commandments I will be blessed. Those blessings are often to make our trials and struggles easier for Heavenly Father has promised a "fullness of joy". I take HIM and HIS word!


P.S. We all have our trials (bag of rocks) to carry in this world. I'm happy with the bag of rocks I get to carry in this life. They are mine. Heveanly Father chose them for me so that I could learn the things I needed to in this life that will make me a better person. I'm truly grateful for the adversity and struggles and choices I have to make. I would hope that everyone could see the benefits of making correct choices in the face of adversity. I do not envy other's struggles and trials.

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Very good post, Applepansy. I'd like to add that we don't know if Heavenly chose our trials, or that possibly we did. And by that I mean, many of our trials are consequences of our choices in this life, and also MAYBE we chose our trials in the pre-existence. Just a thought.

I believe that Heavenly Father sent us here with our own individual handicaps, and if we can overcome them, or learn patience or humility. etc., from them, they give us the best possible chance of returning to Him. I believe every time He intercedes in our lives, He's doing it to best help us succeed in this life. That means sometimes protecting us from harm and sometimes not. Sometimes curing us from illness, and sometimes not. He knows when we need the lessons from the trial, and when we're better off without them.

He just knows each of us so much better than we know ourselves. That's why it's always best to just trust Him.

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Also these same questions have been hashed and rehashed in numerous threads. Just do a search and you will find it mentioned numerous times on this site.

With all due respect, not all new members know how to search the forums. I still don't know how. Doesn't every post/question deserve an answer even if it has been discussed?



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Please someone inform me as to why there is no mention of masterbation anywhere, yet it is very common and is everyones true nature regardlless of being straight or gay; male or female or very young to our dying days; married or unmarried. Healthy or unhealthy??

If the church teaches us that being gay is ok as long as you remain untrue to yourself. Don't you think that there can be happiness in being a practicing homosexual. The feelings you seem to think that are reserved for heterosexxuals only are universl just like we are all children of God.

please let me know what exactly happened in the garden of eden to divide the human race


If you don't like their teachings you could always join the Community of Christ. CofChristCousin would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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Community of Christ policy is not all that different than the LDS. Currently, only celibate gays may be ordained, and our Priesthood may not marry same sex couple in countries and states where it is legal. Virtually all efforts and programs for dialog have failed.

A few areas where I'm noticing our denominations are different:

We have no counsel on masterbation. I think most people realize it's a personal matter. If it became a source of addiction or obsession then the person would be supported and guided to get appropriate health care.

The degree of acceptance of gays mirrors the culture where the church is found. In some areas the people are impatient for full affirmation and equality in marriage and Priesthood. In other countries gays and their allies might be stoned.

I live in the midwest and single, and I am accepted in my congregation. I preach regularly, plan worship services, play the piano and whatever else might be needed. My Apostle and some others know about me outside my congregation. I have been in worship services in our Independence Temple and the Kirtland Temple. I have some awkwardness and some fear sometimes outside my congregation. In the past 2 years I have had periodic harrassment, a couple of email suggestions about stoning, and one act of violence, so I'm careful.

Ok, I'm starting to ramble. Bottom line, There are policies in place that do not allow gay marriage or priesthood if you are in a relationship. Same as LDS. Stacie

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Sure, I'll just paste the wikipedia stuff at the end of the post. I think Gala is something different than Affirmation. Gala is not a ministry of Community of Christ, but it isn't rejected either. There are many Community of Christ leaders who are members of Gala. Nearly everyone wants to stop the mistreatment of gays, and have us be a part of the fellowship. Community of Christ and Gala can work together towards those ends, even if we differ on gay marriage and Priesthood.

GALA (Gay and Lesbian Acceptance) is a non-profit Missouri corporation that is an association of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender persons and their family and friends that are connected with the Community of Christ.

Informally organized in 1984 by Antonio A. Feliz and formally organized in 1987, GALA's stated purpose is to "affirm the dignity and worth of all persons without regard to gender, race, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation".[1] The organization publishes a newsletter, offer regional retreats and workshops, and sponsors an annual international retreat.

Although GALA is not formally affiliated with the Community of Christ, most of its members have a connection to the Independence, Missouri-based church.[2] The organization sends representatives to Community of Christ jurisdictional and World Church gatherings and conferences. GALA also sponsors the Welcoming Committee Network, an organization that assists LGBT individuals' participation in the Community of Christ.

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Ha took 17 hours and 47 minutes before someone finally thought of the obvious answer. Aren't we all a bunch of dopes!

Fiannan, I'm actually not poking fun at you. This was a genuinely brilliant response.

No, it took that amount of time for someone to POST the obvious answer.


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