Politicization of the Church


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After this episode of Harry Reid being slated to be part of the Mormons Testify fireside, then being canceled due to members threatening violence in the Chapel and even threatening to punch Senator Reid if they saw him in the Temple, I am thinking it is a good time to draw back and look at how politicized the Church has become due to members bringing partisan politics into the Church.

Violence in the Chapel! Assault in the Temple! These do not seem the kinds of things Church members should be threatening, yet they go hand in hand with the the political polarization that has been allowed to go unchecked. Even now on the internet, some members are so highly politicized that they out and out say that one must subscribe to a particular political party to be not just a good Mormon, but any kind of Mormon.

Despite this attitude, the Church still has one of its mission goals to proclaim the Gospel to the world. This will fall flat on its face if the Church allows itself to be tied to any particular partisan political agenda. As many of you have noted on this forum, the political passions of some Mormons in the USA, does not hold sway with the ways of members living in other parts of the world. For instance, those living in countries with health care for all, benefit from that care. Those members outside America can best remain members if they are also able to enjoy the fruits of their society and remain free to follow religious principles rather than political dictates.

Human decency and respect also suggest that members should refrain from threats of violence and assaults, as well as carrying out those actions.

God should remain foremost in the Church and Caesar and Mammon should be kept at bay. Time to depoliticize the Church.

Please post a link to these so-called threats of violence?????

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Beats me, I'm not privy to his church records. but I'm pretty sure you have to be a Senator from the state you live in :P

IDK, where does Sen. Reid and his family live? Is Searchlight in the Tule Springs stake?

Pam, this is not an endorsement or condemnation of Sen. Reid's reelection campaign (ty for closing the other thread btw, it was getting silly :P ). It is a question of 'can you ask someone in another stake to speak at a fireside' sort of thing :D

Edited by talisyn
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