A blessing so great that you will not have room to receive it....

Guest mormonmusic

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Guest mormonmusic

I'm curious if anyone has any personal experiences about how they have received a blessing so great "they have not been able to receive it" --- as a result of paying their tithing.

A close friend of mine told me that if he used all his savings to buy material goods, he'd have no room for them all in his house. I thought that was a bit literal, almost amusing (he had a really small house, by the way).

If you have paid tithing in the past, or a paying now, what are the additional blessings you feel you have received as a result of paying tithing? Over and above the blessings you would have recieved if you had NOT paid your tithing?

I'd like to hear your faith-promoting answers, and experiences to this promise in Malachi that we talk about so much....

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Just some thoughts:

The thing that keeps me paying tithing is the covenant I have with the Father. But the covenant does not cause the relationship, it merely seals it. The relationship was from before I came here, before the veil was pulled down upon my consciousness. The relationship was close back then, and it is not as close as I'd like it to be now. But the promise within the covenant is of something even greater than what we had when I was a spirit in the pre-existence. It is a promise that I shall relate to my Father face to face, where both our faces are flesh and bone. We will embrace with corporeal arms, and he will begin instructing me on the use of keys of unfathomable power.

Every act of obedience, including paying tithing, keeps me current in the covenant. I don't pay it for any earthly gain, and I don't pay it to avoid being burned at the coming of Jesus. I pay it so as to partake in the everlasting burnings of Isaiah 23:14. This to me is the great blessing that there is no "room to receive" here in mortality. Wealth, property, and means for temporal power come and go like a wind whether I pay tithing or not.

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I can't put a figure on it myself but when I pay my tithing I feel almost ashamed because all that I have received. I have a small house and I give my extra away but it's not the money that I count as priceless, it's the other blessings that I'm at times unable to handle. But I can't put a finger on it really. ?? My patriarchal blessings say's that as I serve the Lord and my family "the windows of heaven will poor down blessings and my basket will be full spiritually and temporally". I am not well to do though.

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I don't think that the promise means that if we pay our tithing faithfully that we'll be financially wealthy. Sometimes the blessings are less tangible. Yet sometimes we are able to measure the blessing somewhere along the way.

When our oldest two were tiny we were really struggling financially. We committed to paying our tithing and did. Somewhere in a box I still have the checkbook registers from that time. If you add them up line by line it works out. But if you add up the checks separately, add the deposits, then subtract the check total from the deposit total it doesn't work. It plainly shows there wasn't enough money. I don't remember how many times I ran the tape on the adding machine and checked it off one by one. It was after the crisis was over. The blessing is there. We didn't recognize it as we were going through the struggles.

Maybe not having room enough to receive may mean that we don't recognize the blessing as it comes?

EDIT: I know that this is going to bother someone, but... I cannot afford to NOT pay my thithing. I need the blessings that come from paying it. It hasn't become easier over the years to pay tithing. Sometimes we are still strongly tempted and sometimes we slip. It doesn't take long to realize that something is wrong... a blessing is missing... and we make it up quickly. Our personal finances just don't work out if we aren't paying our tithing.

Edited by applepansy
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My wife and I were fasting and praying to be able to go to the Philippines to see her family this year. Because of paying tithing we were surprised when we got over $5,000 on our tax refund. It was an amazing blessing and I still thank the Lord for it. Also we got our flights at an amazing price and we were able to fly safely here to the Phils. We will be leaving in about 2 week. Which is even more blessings that despite all indications we were able to advance our departing flight by a week without any extra payment. This whole vacation has been a miracle.

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