Public Access to the Church Handbook of Instructions


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Church Leaders to Release New Handbook of Instructions

Some interesting things that I hadn't heard before

The handbook includes two volumes, one of which will be provided to hundreds of thousands of men and women who shoulder significant responsibilities in administering local Church programs and congregations. It contains the vast majority of revisions and will be posted online Saturday at, the Church’s website for members, where anyone can view it. Complete video of the worldwide leadership training broadcast will also be posted online late Saturday evening, Mountain Time.

I also liked this one

Church leaders have emphasized that while the handbook is an essential guide in a large church with a lay ministry, it is not scripture, and that individual leaders are expected to seek inspiration and use judgment when administering their church duties.

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But I do agree with you Pam. It's interesting that they'll put it on the web. And I'm glad. A little more transparency is going to go a long way. We'll still get lots of complaints about Book 1 not being publicly available, but having read it, I don't know why anyone would want to have it on their bookshelf. It's pretty boring

Book 2, on the other hand, is a huge improvement over the previous edition. I hope people will review it. Especially the first few chapters. If we all caught the vision of what the first few chapters are telling us, the strength of the membership would sky rocket.

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Forget racing other members to find the best answer to a question via a google search, now it'll be via the handbook. I'm thinking we should organize the first ever Church Handbook Chase (like a Scripture Chase). Moe, you're not allowed to participate, but you can be a judge and double check our speed and accuracy.

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But I do agree with you Pam. It's interesting that they'll put it on the web. And I'm glad. A little more transparency is going to go a long way. We'll still get lots of complaints about Book 1 not being publicly available, but having read it, I don't know why anyone would want to have it on their bookshelf. It's pretty boring

Book 2, on the other hand, is a huge improvement over the previous edition. I hope people will review it. Especially the first few chapters. If we all caught the vision of what the first few chapters are telling us, the strength of the membership would sky rocket.

Sounds like you have already read it. We received a letter along with our that said don't review until the broadcast. Did you not get this letter?

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Forget racing other members to find the best answer to a question via a google search, now it'll be via the handbook. I'm thinking we should organize the first ever Church Handbook Chase (like a Scripture Chase). Moe, you're not allowed to participate, but you can be a judge and double check our speed and accuracy.

This is really a good idea as it does help with general questions greatly. So does the boring book 1 as well. To bad they are not going to put portions that are known policies from it online where folks could read it too. That would cut down on question such as...."I'm going to send out my wedding dates to get a jump on the big day even though I have seen the bishop yet for a recommend" type posts here.

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It would probably cut down on posts here....much less "what does the church say about...."

I don't think it will cut down on that at all. We'll just have more people who have access to the answer. My legacy on is ending.

I can see this sparking more than one "But the Handbook says X Bishop!" conversation.

That's when the bishop should pull out the new section about uniformity and adapting to local needs :D

Besides, as has already been pointed out by the Church, these books are not scripture, so we don't necessarily have to adhere to them as if they were.

Forget racing other members to find the best answer to a question via a google search, now it'll be via the handbook. I'm thinking we should organize the first ever Church Handbook Chase (like a Scripture Chase). Moe, you're not allowed to participate, but you can be a judge and double check our speed and accuracy.

Ah, but you have to go head-to-head against me to win the tournament. If you can't beat me, you only get the door prize.

Sounds like you have already read it. We received a letter along with our that said don't review until the broadcast. Did you not get this letter?

I got the letter. I read it anyway. Probably a good thing too. I was able to stop the bishopric from doing a couple of things in October that they would have just had to undo in November.

But no, I've never been very good at following instructions. And I'm very hypocritical about too. I absolutely refused to let any other leaders see their copies while I read the whole thing.

This is really a good idea as it does help with general questions greatly. So does the boring book 1 as well. To bad they are not going to put portions that are known policies from it online where folks could read it too. That would cut down on question such as...."I'm going to send out my wedding dates to get a jump on the big day even though I have seen the bishop yet for a recommend" type posts here.

The only part of the new Book 1 that has anything that could address 'general questions' are the sealing policies and the disciplinary council policies. But there's no need for a general knowledge here. Also, the content of Book 1 is administratively intense and has very little instruction--a stark contrast to the new Book 2.

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Forget racing other members to find the best answer to a question via a google search, now it'll be via the handbook. I'm thinking we should organize the first ever Church Handbook Chase (like a Scripture Chase). Moe, you're not allowed to participate, but you can be a judge and double check our speed and accuracy.

This is really a good idea as it does help with general questions greatly. So does the boring book 1 as well. To bad they are not going to put portions that are known policies from it online where folks could read it too. That would cut down on question such as...."I'm going to send out my wedding dates to get a jump on the big day even though I have seen the bishop yet for a recommend" type posts here.

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Indeed. Still won't prevent them from starting though, at least once per person per ward. :D

And that's why I've recommended we add an additional verse to the Doctrine and Covenants

D&C 139:1 Verily, verily, thus saith the Lord, Bite Me.

I haven't heard back from the First Presidency on my suggestion yet.

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And that's why I've recommended we add an additional verse to the Doctrine and Covenants

D&C 139:1 Verily, verily, thus saith the Lord, Bite Me.

I haven't heard back from the First Presidency on my suggestion yet.

it's already there, just said with more grace.

D&C 100

1 Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you, my friends Sidney and Joseph, your families are well; they are in mine hands, and I will do with them as seemeth me good; for in me there is all power. 2 Therefore, follow me, and listen to the counsel which I shall give unto you.

i pretty much read that as "ppl are in my hands, i'll do what i want with them cause i have all the power. so listen up and do as your told.

aka bite me

if heavenly father really is our father did you think he would get through 4 books of scripture and never say anything to the effect of "i'm in charge so do it cause i said so"? you aren't a real parent till you've said those words.

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Guest mormonmusic

There are parts of the handbook, however, which refer to "instructions from the administrative office" or other sources of guidance, such as how to conduct tithing settlement, which are not in the certain things are still kept within a smaller group.

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I appreciate that both books are going to be online. I won't have to carry around the hard copies anymore, or wait for someone to scan a searchable file and load it to Wikileaks.

It'll be really nice to have access from the places I spend most of my time.

It's already been done, I got both books about 5 days ago. I'm not sure how the guy got it, but he did and scanned and posted them. It has since been removed. I stayed up very late reading them and didn't find any ground-breaking stuff, just the usual stuff you'd expect to find.

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This is really a good idea as it does help with general questions greatly. So does the boring book 1 as well. To bad they are not going to put portions that are known policies from it online where folks could read it too. That would cut down on question such as...."I'm going to send out my wedding dates to get a jump on the big day even though I have seen the bishop yet for a recommend" type posts here.

Can you imagine what the site would be like if they addressed all of the questions that SHOULD fall under the common sense category?! Probably a little too close to what we have going on here... :P

It'd really make my day if they had a section that said, "Dear Brothers and Sisters, If you're gonna be stupid, you'd better be tough. Enjoy your agency!"

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I can see this sparking more than one "But the Handbook says X Bishop!" conversation.

I've been using that for over a year now every time it comes up about how much home teaching is in the basement. "Well Bishop if we did as the Lord tells us through the handbook of instruction then it has to work. why don't we try it?"

I noticed the new manual means we still don't do it the right way which I mentioned to the Bishopric on my way out.

I think the new manual will be good. I really like the sample Ward Council they did during the training. But it only makes a difference if someone in the Leadership actually decides to follow the new manual.

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I've been using that for over a year now every time it comes up about how much home teaching is in the basement. "Well Bishop if we did as the Lord tells us through the handbook of instruction then it has to work. why don't we try it?"

I noticed the new manual means we still don't do it the right way which I mentioned to the Bishopric on my way out.

I think the new manual will be good. I really like the sample Ward Council they did during the training. But it only makes a difference if someone in the Leadership actually decides to follow the new manual.

They actually talked about adaptation as necessary to the home teaching program, which made me think about your ward's (stake's?) pilot program, LDSVALLEY.

The role play was pretty cheesy, but I did take some structural and prodedural notes from that section.

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