Adam and the Priesthood


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Hey fellas, I am to prepare a lesson for this coming sunday on the Priesthood focusing on its history - things like how it was organized in past dispensations, the restauration of the Priesthood keys, and its organization. As I medidate on the information I want to share, my thoughts are drawn to Adam and his priesthood. Even if he was the first man, he had to be ordained to the Priesthood in the same way everyone else - by the laying on of hands. Does anyone have any idea of how this must have happened with him?

I look forward to reading your comments!

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In another recent thread we were talking about how the priesthood can only be conferred by the laying on of hands and I brought up an instance in the scriptures involving another ordinance that, so far as we know, can only be performed by the laying on of hands: conferring the gift of the Holy Ghost.

There was a group of Lamanite converts who were baptized "and they knew it not."

To steal from yet another thread (or maybe it was the same one), there's only one way to do things unless the Lord decides there is another way.

In the end, it doesn't really matter how Adam received the priesthood. We accept it on good authority that he was authorized to use the priesthood and that's all we need. So while it's an interesting question to kick around, I'm not sure it's the most valuable way to use the time in a lesson.

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The priesthood was first given to Adam; he obtained the First Presidency, and held the keys of it from generation to generation. He obtained it in the Creation, before the world was formed, as in Gen. 1:26-28. He had dominion given him over every living creature. He is Michael the Archangel, spoken of in the scriptures. (HC 3:385-86.)

Adam had the priesthood given to him in the pre-mortal life so that he could help in the creation of the world. But so did others and they also had to receive the priesthood on earth. I have not found any thing on this topic that is very clear. I do believe that he had hands lady on his head by his father. The priesthood in the days of Adam was patriarchal so would only be Heavenly Father that would be giving it to him. It would also seem most likely to me it was done in the garden of Eden.
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Guest LDS_Guy_1986

Adam had the priesthood given to him in the pre-mortal life so that he could help in the creation of the world. But so did others and they also had to receive the priesthood on earth. I have not found any thing on this topic that is very clear. I do believe that he had hands lady on his head by his father. The priesthood in the days of Adam was patriarchal so would only be Heavenly Father that would be giving it to him. It would also seem most likely to me it was done in the garden of Eden.

Good point Casper! One small correction though,if I may, Heavenly Father is Adam's spiritual father but Jesus Christ (called Jehovah at this time) is his physical creator. So if Adam was ordained by laying on of hands it would of be by his physical father, Jehovah not his spiritual father, our Heavenly Father.

Edited by LDS_Guy_1986
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Good point Casper! One small correction though,if I may, Heavenly Father is Adam's spiritual father but Jesus Christ (called Jehovah at this time) is his physical creator. So if Adam was ordained by laying on of hands it would of be by his physical father, Jehovah not his spiritual father, our Heavenly Father.

Not so sure....

From Moses:

And I, God, created man in mine own image, in the image of mine Only Begotten created I him; male and female created I them

And from Abraham:

27So the Gods went down to organize man in their own image, in the image of the Gods to form they him, male and female to form they them.

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Elijah and Moses were translated in order to confer their Priesthood keys (also through laying on of hands) at the Mount of Transfiguration to Peter, James, and John show that it was necessary that they had their bodies. We also know that the resurrected Peter and James, along with a translated John came to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery to confer the Melchizedek Priesthood upon them - also having physical bodies. What I am getting at is that if a physical body was necessary to perform those ordinances, that would imply that a pre-mortal Christ, who had not yet received a body, would not have been able to perform the ordinance.

Reading the Bible Dictionary (I should have gone there first) under Melchizedek Priesthood says that Adam was ordained in the pre-mortality. I suppose when you take into consideration that the Priesthood has no begining, or no end of days, the process of acquiring a mortal body for Adam did not negate the Priesthood that he had been ordained to in the pre-mortality.

I don't plan on teaching this in such a deep level. I was kind of just interested in finding out for myself.

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Elijah and Moses were translated in order to confer their Priesthood keys (also through laying on of hands) at the Mount of Transfiguration to Peter, James, and John show that it was necessary that they had their bodies. We also know that the resurrected Peter and James, along with a translated John came to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery to confer the Melchizedek Priesthood upon them - also having physical bodies. What I am getting at is that if a physical body was necessary to perform those ordinances, that would imply that a pre-mortal Christ, who had not yet received a body, would not have been able to perform the ordinance.

Reading the Bible Dictionary (I should have gone there first) under Melchizedek Priesthood says that Adam was ordained in the pre-mortality. I suppose when you take into consideration that the Priesthood has no begining, or no end of days, the process of acquiring a mortal body for Adam did not negate the Priesthood that he had been ordained to in the pre-mortality.

I don't plan on teaching this in such a deep level. I was kind of just interested in finding out for myself.

You have brought up some rather interesting points and I am sure that there is some substance to your inquire and consideration. However, there is something being left out of the discussion that is paramount and of primary importance concerning the priesthood. All performances of the priesthood are ordinances connected with covenants that man makes with G-d. The priesthood holder performs the ordinance of the priesthood in proxy for G-d. So it is under the order of Heaven that an ordination by proxy for G-d by a priesthood holder is the same as if performed by G-d (in the name of G-d).

I will do a little speculation here and this is 100% my speculation. It is possible that Adam was ordained to the priesthood before the fall. If that was the case Adam would not have required a Mediator and could have been ordained to be a proxy G-d by G-d the Father. This speculation comes in part from certain thoughts I have about Adam-Ondi-Amon and events that will take place.

The Traveler

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D&C 107: 40-41 Implies that Adam received the priesthood from his Father.

Moses 5: 58-59, Although these scriptures most likely refer to the temple endowment, holy ordinance. We can assume that the priesthood was conferred upon him as well.

During your lesson, you could use these verses. But I would try to stay clear of attempting to reason about the detalis of how the actual ordinance occurred. We just don't know.

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  • 10 months later...

I have pondered this question much actually...

I built a web page containing some of my thoughts at ETERNAL PROGRESSION AND THE DIFFERING PHASES OF EXISTENCE

The original question asked to me which lead to how Adam got the priesthood and more was asked to me while on my mission - See an excerpt below.

"On my mission a fellow missionary asked me the question, "How could Adam have shaken hands with Peter James & John when they were still spirits and what type of beings are they since no one had been born yet and the angels that administer to this world must belong or have belonged to it?" (D&C 130:5)

The answer took me 13 years of reading, pondering, and praying and the answer is this web page and that Adam is an exception."

Researching this I found an article written by Robert J. Matthews, “The Fulness of Times,” Ensign, Dec 1989, 46

“The Prophet Joseph taught that there is an order that must be observed in the teaching of the gospel among beings of different types, and that Jesus himself observed it. The general pattern is for mortals to teach mortals, spirits to teach spirits, and resurrected beings to minister among other resurrected beings. (See Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 191.)

There are times, however, when it is necessary for beings of a higher order to minister to beings of a lower. It appears from what has been revealed that if priesthood or keys are to be restored to earth, a resurrected or translated being is employed because of the laying on of hands; however, spirits can convey knowledge or deliver messages, but not lay on hands. (See D&C 129.) Because of the necessity of the ordinance of laying on of hands, we know that John the Baptist, Peter, James, John, Moses, Elias, Elijah, and any others who conferred priesthood and keys on Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were resurrected or translated beings, not merely spirits.

Usually, then, angels or spirits do not minister to mortals (especially if there are other mortals who can do what is needed), but when the need arises, the Lord or his angels give direct and personal guidance to the prophets. (See Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 265.)” The Fulness of Times - Ensign Dec. 1989 - ensign

Continuing my research on what type of beings must conversed and gave and conferred keys to Adam I came across the following web page Doctrine & Covenants I went to D&C section 129 to review what was written on Angels and shaking hands to verify what type of being and body the Angel would be. On verse 4 the commenter writes, “When Peter, James, and John visited Adam in the Garden of Eden, Adam used a handshake to determine whether or not the messengers were from God. This is an eternal key of the priesthood. There will come a day when handshakes will determine entrance into the Holy City, the heavenly Jerusalem, “blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city” (Rev. 22:14).””

The same logic used by Robert J. Matthews that, “Because of the necessity of the ordinance of laying on of hands” and of shaking hands to determine “whether or not the messengers were from God” the beings must have been, “resurrected or translated beings, not merely spirits.” That administered ordinances and keys unto Adam.

I continued my research and found a talk in the Journal Of Discourses by Orson Pratt that addresses what type of being(s) or class of angel administered to our first parents, “. . . .. We have now mentioned three classes of angels. There are others, among them some redeemed from former creations before this world was made, one of whom administered to our first parents after they were cast out of the garden as they were offering sacrifices and burnt offerings, according to the commandments which they received from God when they were driven from the garden. After they had done this many days an Angel came and ministered to them and inquired of them why they offered sacrifices and burnt offerings unto the Lord. The answer was, "I know not, save it be that the Lord commanded me." Then this angel went on to explain to our first parents why these offerings were made and why they were commanded to shed the blood of beasts, telling them that all these things were typical of the great and last sacrifice that should be offered up for all mankind, namely the Son of the living God. These angels that came to Adam were not men who had been redeemed from this earth-not men who had been translated from this earth-but they pertained to former worlds. They understood about the coming of Jesus, the nature of these sacrifices, &c.”

(Discourse By Elder Orson Pratt, Different Degrees of Reward and of Punishment-Marriage for Eternity Necessary to a Fullness of Celestial Glory) Delivered in the 14th Ward Assembly Rooms, Salt Lake City, Sunday Evening, January 19, 1873. (Reported by David W. Evans.)

By connecting the principles taught in the aforementioned articles together we find that Peter James and John must not have been spirits but must have been resurrected or translated beings that pertained to former worlds. I ascertain then that Peter James and John must have gone through a former mortal probationary period and received the priesthood and keys there and then received there then translated or resurrected bodies to be able to confer and verify keys to Adam that they were sent from and by God. So Peter James and John completed a calling in a former mortal probation and received the priesthood ordinances and keys and were called again to another and ongoing mission to assist Adam in progressing others.

((scriptural summary) Moses chapter 5 in versus 6-8 we learn that angels appeared to Adam and Eve and verse 9 it says the Holy Ghost fell upon Adam and he began to prophesy concerning all the families of the earth. In the last verse of chapter 5 verse 59 it says, “all things were confirmed unto Adam, by an holy ordinance”. Ordinances must be confirmed by the laying on of hands by one having authority and having a physical body and not just a spirit body. We know that these angels were most likely Peter James and John.)

Through my research I find that Peter James and John were not the only ones to have lived prior mortal probations and have received the priesthood ordinances and keys and to be called again to another and ongoing calling. Adam and Noah had also done this.

The following are some of my own historical thoughts, writings and reasoning and may touch upon on concepts I have already mentioned.

During my research I asked myself, “how did Adam get the priesthood? Is there any way to get the priesthood other than by the laying on of hands by one having authority while in a mortal probation?”

In my research I found the following:

Moses 6:64-65 it discusses Adam being baptized and being born of the spirit.

64 And it came to pass, when the Lord had spoken with Adam, our father, that Adam cried unto the Lord, and he was acaught away by the Spirit of the Lord, and was carried down into the water, and was laid under the bwater, and was brought forth out of the water.

65 And thus he was baptized, and the Spirit of God descended upon him, and thus he was aborn of the Spirit, and became quickened in the binner man.

So how did Adam get baptized and how did he receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost? The imagery here is that a spirit lifts Adam up and puts him under the water and puts the Gift of the holy Ghost on Adam? This reminds me of what Brigham Young said in regards the birth of Adam and Eve “you tell me what I deem an idle tale”. Why wasn’t I made like that or anyone else? Simply that no one has ever been created like that. Brigham Young again expresses the eternal truth of creation by saying that, “God created man, as we create our children; for there is no other process of creation in heaven, on the earth, in the earth, or under the earth, or in all the eternities, that is, that were, or that ever will be” (JOD 7:285-6, 11:122).”

I think transferring the priesthood is the same in that there is no other process of transferring it. There are certain procedures that must be followed to get the priesthood – namely by the laying on of hands by one having authority in a mortal probation. So my thoughts are Adam got the priesthood by beings with resurrected bodies who had the priesthood or he did not have any body transfer them to him because he already had them when he came to the Garden of Eden.

Teachings of the prophet Joseph Smith on Priesthood. Synopsis of an Address delivered by President Joseph Smith, in Commerce, Illinois, Tuesday, June 2, 1839.

“The Priesthood was first given to Adam; he obtained the First Presidency, and held the keys of it from generation to generation. He obtained it in the Creation, before the world was formed, as in Genesis 1:26 -28, He had dominion given him over every living creature. He is Michael the Archangel, spoken of in the Scriptures. Then to Noah, who is Gabriel: he stands next in authority to Adam in the Priesthood; he was called of God to this office and was the father of all living in this day, and to him was given the dominion. These men held keys first on earth, and then in heaven.” (ToPJS 157)

So Adam obtained the priesthood in the creation before the world was formed AND he “held keys first on earth, and then in heaven. So Adam held the keys first on an earth and then in the creation before OUR world was formed. WOW!!! I missed that plenty of times….A clear reference to the cycle. Adam had the held the priesthood before “the” world was formed – (I say THIS world) AND YET he held the keys to the priesthood first on earth (I say an EARTH – not our earth where he was Adam but before he was Adam and before he was Michael the Archangel). So priesthood must be held or received first on an Earth and then they can be carried with us to Heaven."

for my of LDS Theories see ETERNAL PROGRESSION AND THE DIFFERING PHASES OF EXISTENCE and feel free to comment on my thoughts...

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I have pondered on how Adam got the priesthood and ordinances and who and what type of personages gave them to him for quite some time. From my pondering I have made a web page of my thoughts at ETERNAL PROGRESSION AND THE DIFFERING PHASES OF EXISTENCE.

An excerpt is below:

"On my mission a fellow missionary asked me the question, "How could Adam have had all things confirmed unto him by an holy ordinance as there was no one else having a mortal physical body with the priesthood that could have confirmed the ordinances to him by the laying on of hands and what type of being(s) are or were they since no one had been born yet and the angels that administer to this world must belong or have belonged to it?" ( Moses 5:59; D&C 130:5)

The answer took me 13 years of reading, pondering, and praying and the answer is this web page and that Adam is an exception.

Researching this I found an article written by Robert J. Matthews, “The Fulness of Times,” Ensign, Dec 1989, 46

“The Prophet Joseph taught that there is an order that must be observed in the teaching of the gospel among beings of different types, and that Jesus himself observed it. The general pattern is for mortals to teach mortals, spirits to teach spirits, and resurrected beings to minister among other resurrected beings. (See Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 191.)

There are times, however, when it is necessary for beings of a higher order to minister to beings of a lower. It appears from what has been revealed that if priesthood or keys are to be restored to earth, a resurrected or translated being is employed because of the laying on of hands; however, spirits can convey knowledge or deliver messages, but not lay on hands. (See D&C 129.) Because of the necessity of the ordinance of laying on of hands, we know that John the Baptist, Peter, James, John, Moses, Elias, Elijah, and any others who conferred priesthood and keys on Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were resurrected or translated beings, not merely spirits.

Usually, then, angels or spirits do not minister to mortals (especially if there are other mortals who can do what is needed), but when the need arises, the Lord or his angels give direct and personal guidance to the prophets. (See Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 265.)” The Fulness of Times - Ensign Dec. 1989 - ensign

Continuing my research on what type of beings must conversed and gave and conferred keys to Adam I came across the following web page Doctrine & Covenants I went to D&C section 129 to review what was written on Angels and shaking hands to verify what type of being and body the Angel would be. On verse 4 the commenter writes that the Angel(s) that,"visited Adam in the Garden of Eden, Adam used a handshake to determine whether or not the messengers were from God. This is an eternal key of the priesthood. There will come a day when handshakes will determine entrance into the Holy City, the heavenly Jerusalem, “blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city” (Rev. 22:14).””

The same logic used by Robert J. Matthews that, “Because of the necessity of the ordinance of laying on of hands” and of shaking hands to determine “whether or not the messengers were from God” the beings must have been, “resurrected or translated beings, not merely spirits.” That administered ordinances and keys unto Adam.

I continued my research and found a talk in the Journal Of Discourses by Orson Pratt that addresses what type of being(s) or class of angel administered to our first parents, “. . . .. We have now mentioned three classes of angels. There are others, among them some redeemed from former creations before this world was made, one of whom administered to our first parents after they were cast out of the garden as they were offering sacrifices and burnt offerings, according to the commandments which they received from God when they were driven from the garden. After they had done this many days an Angel came and ministered to them and inquired of them why they offered sacrifices and burnt offerings unto the Lord. The answer was, "I know not, save it be that the Lord commanded me." Then this angel went on to explain to our first parents why these offerings were made and why they were commanded to shed the blood of beasts, telling them that all these things were typical of the great and last sacrifice that should be offered up for all mankind, namely the Son of the living God. These angels that came to Adam were not men who had been redeemed from this earth-not men who had been translated from this earth-but they pertained to former worlds. They understood about the coming of Jesus, the nature of these sacrifices, &c.”

(Discourse By Elder Orson Pratt, Different Degrees of Reward and of Punishment-Marriage for Eternity Necessary to a Fullness of Celestial Glory) Delivered in the 14th Ward Assembly Rooms, Salt Lake City, Sunday Evening, January 19, 1873. (Reported by David W. Evans.)

By connecting the principles taught in the aforementioned articles together we find that the Angel(s) that administered the ordinances unto Adam must not have been spirits but must have been resurrected or translated beings that pertained to former worlds. I ascertain then that the Angel(s) must have gone through a former mortal probationary period and received the priesthood and keys there and then received there then translated or resurrected bodies to be able to confer and verify keys to Adam that they were sent from and by God. So the Angel(s) completed a calling in a former mortal probation and received the priesthood ordinances and keys and were called again to another and ongoing mission to assist Adam in progressing others.

((scriptural summary) Moses chapter 5 in versus 6-8 we learn that angels appeared to Adam and Eve and verse 9 it says the Holy Ghost fell upon Adam and he began to prophesy concerning all the families of the earth. In the last verse of chapter 5 verse 59 it says, “all things were confirmed unto aAdam, by an holy ordinance”. Ordinances must be confirmed by the laying on of hands by one having authority and having a physical body and not just a spirit body.

Through my research I find that those Angel(s) that confirmed the ordinances unto Adam were not the only ones to have lived prior mortal probations and have received the priesthood ordinances and keys and to be called again to another and ongoing calling. Adam and Noah had also done this.

The following are some of my own historical thoughts, writings and reasoning and may touch upon on concepts I have already mentioned.

During my research I asked myself, “how did Adam get the priesthood? Is there any way to get the priesthood other than by the laying on of hands by one having authority while in a mortal probation?”

In my research I found the following:

Moses 6:64-65 it discusses Adam being baptized and being born of the spirit.

64 And it came to pass, when the Lord had spoken with Adam, our father, that Adam cried unto the Lord, and he was acaught away by the Spirit of the Lord, and was carried down into the water, and was laid under the bwater, and was brought forth out of the water.

65 And thus he was baptized, and the Spirit of God descended upon him, and thus he was aborn of the Spirit, and became quickened in the binner man.

So how did Adam get baptized and how did he receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost? The imagery here is that a spirit lifts Adam up and puts him under the water and puts the Gift of the holy Ghost on Adam? This reminds me of what Brigham Young said in regards the birth of Adam and Eve “you tell me what I deem an idle tale”. Why wasn’t I made like that or anyone else? Simply that no one has ever been created like that. Brigham Young again expresses the eternal truth of creation by saying that, “God created man, as we create our children; for there is no other process of creation in heaven, on the earth, in the earth, or under the earth, or in all the eternities, that is, that were, or that ever will be” (JOD 7:285-6, 11:122).”

I think transferring the priesthood is the same in that there is no other process of transferring it. There are certain procedures that must be followed to get the priesthood – namely by the laying on of hands by one having authority in a mortal probation. So my thoughts are Adam got the priesthood by beings with resurrected bodies who had the priesthood or he did not have any body transfer them to him because he already had them when he came to the Garden of Eden.

Teachings of the prophet Joseph Smith on Priesthood. Synopsis of an Address delivered by President Joseph Smith, in Commerce, Illinois, Tuesday, June 2, 1839.

“The Priesthood was first given to Adam; he obtained the First Presidency, and held the keys of it from generation to generation. He obtained it in the Creation, before the world was formed, as in Genesis 1:26 -28, He had dominion given him over every living creature. He is Michael the Archangel, spoken of in the Scriptures. Then to Noah, who is Gabriel: he stands next in authority to Adam in the Priesthood; he was called of God to this office and was the father of all living in this day, and to him was given the dominion. These men held keys first on earth, and then in heaven.” (ToPJS 157)

So Adam obtained the priesthood in the creation before the world was formed AND he “held keys first on earth, and then in heaven. So Adam held the keys first on an earth and then in the creation before OUR world was formed. WOW!!! I missed that plenty of times….A clear reference to the cycle. Adam had the held the priesthood before “the” world was formed – (I say THIS world) AND YET he held the keys to the priesthood first on earth (I say an EARTH – not our earth where he was Adam but before he was Adam and before he was Michael the Archangel). So priesthood must be held or received first on an Earth and then they can be carried with us to Heaven. So here we see a man having a mortal probation on an earth where he received the keys of the priesthood on an earth and lived true and faithful to the celestial law and received an exaltation and became a Michael an Archangel, had spirit children, organized THIS earth for US, came to earth by the natural process of birth and took the role of an Adam as the Father of our Spirits and the Father of our physical bodies. Who did the then Adam receive instruction and guidance from? The then Adam received instruction from his God which is his Father and our Grandfather and he received instruction from angels from former worlds, who probably have already received and exaltation, on how to offer sacrifices and to use the priesthood again for our gain and to further his exaltation also and to further his Father’s dominion as well."

A summary of the above is below:

Short Version.

Adam had the priesthood when he came to this earth and held the priesthood before this world was formed and held the keys on an earth and then in heaven - TOPJS 157 and he brought the priesthood with him to this earth.

Adam received the priesthood like anybody does, by the laying on of hands by one having authority in a mortal probationary estate or phase of existence and having the priesthood sealed to his spirit he brought them with him to heaven and carried them here to this earth to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

Moses 1 38 - 39

38 And as one earth shall pass away, and the heavens thereof even so shall another come; and there is no end to my works, neither to my words.

39 For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

Feel free to comment or reply to my thoughts and my theories.

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Elijah and Moses were translated in order to confer their Priesthood keys (also through laying on of hands) at the Mount of Transfiguration to Peter, James, and John show that it was necessary that they had their bodies. We also know that the resurrected Peter and James, along with a translated John came to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery to confer the Melchizedek Priesthood upon them - also having physical bodies. What I am getting at is that if a physical body was necessary to perform those ordinances, that would imply that a pre-mortal Christ, who had not yet received a body, would not have been able to perform the ordinance.

Reading the Bible Dictionary (I should have gone there first) under Melchizedek Priesthood says that Adam was ordained in the pre-mortality. I suppose when you take into consideration that the Priesthood has no begining, or no end of days, the process of acquiring a mortal body for Adam did not negate the Priesthood that he had been ordained to in the pre-mortality.

I don't plan on teaching this in such a deep level. I was kind of just interested in finding out for myself.

Are you suggesting that it is necessary to have a body to give the priesthood but a body is not required to receive it?

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Were Peter, James, or John resurrected or translated?

James was killed according to the Book of Acts, so he has been resurrected (or will be).

Although the Bible doesn't specifically mention Peter's death, "tradition" has it that he was killed, so he also has been/will be resurrected.

John was promised that he wouldn't die until the Savior came again, so as far as I understand, he's still "alive". I.E. neither resurrected or translated.

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I continued my research and found a talk in the Journal Of Discourses by Orson Pratt that addresses what type of being(s) or class of angel administered to our first parents, “. . . .. We have now mentioned three classes of angels. There are others, among them some redeemed from former creations before this world was made, one of whom administered to our first parents after they were cast out of the garden as they were offering sacrifices and burnt offerings, according to the commandments which they received from God when they were driven from the garden....These angels that came to Adam were not men who had been redeemed from this earth-not men who had been translated from this earth-but they pertained to former worlds. They understood about the coming of Jesus, the nature of these sacrifices, &c.”

(Discourse By Elder Orson Pratt, Different Degrees of Reward and of Punishment-Marriage for Eternity Necessary to a Fullness of Celestial Glory) Delivered in the 14th Ward Assembly Rooms, Salt Lake City, Sunday Evening, January 19, 1873. (Reported by David W. Evans.)

By connecting the principles taught in the aforementioned articles together we find that the Angel(s) that administered the ordinances unto Adam must not have been spirits but must have been resurrected or translated beings that pertained to former worlds. I ascertain then that the Angel(s) must have gone through a former mortal probationary period and received the priesthood and keys there and then received there then translated or resurrected bodies to be able to confer and verify keys to Adam that they were sent from and by God. So the Angel(s) completed a calling in a former mortal probation and received the priesthood ordinances and keys and were called again to another and ongoing mission to assist Adam in progressing others.

Interesting thoughts. But how do you reconcile your above statement, about angels from other planets visiting Adam, with D&C 130:5 "But there are no angels who minister to this earth but those who do belong or have belonged to it"? The Orson Pratt quote seems a little tenuous...

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They must be ordained, and for that matter called.

That doesn't quite answer my question. The priesthood is conferred and the office is ordained. Do Levites need the priesthood conferred? I understand that they would need to be called and then ordained to a specific office, but is the priesthood itself inherent to them via their lineage?

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To Give the priesthood and to receive the priesthood bodies are required. So if a spirit has the priesthood it received it in a prior mortal probation while embodied and the priesthood was sealed to the spirit and it carried the priesthood with it to Heaven. The power to organize element comes only after an exaltation (then we are exalted to thrones, and have power to organize element. …. JD 1:276, Brigham Young, August 14, 1853) - so all of the Noble and Great ones had lived prior mortal probations and received exaltations and had the power which is the priesthood to assist Jesus in the creation where they organized element to make our world/earth.

The 5th principle I make on my web page ETERNAL PROGRESSION AND THE DIFFERING PHASES OF EXISTENCE says, "...the priesthood and ordinances are only received during a mortal probation and a spirit must reside in a mortal physical body. A spirit cannot give the priesthood or other ordinances to another spirit if it is not embodied by a mortal or resurrected body. If it were so there would be no need for temple work or to offer the opportunity to receive the priesthood and other ordinances to those spirits who no longer embody a mortal physical body and are in the world of spirits that are between a mortal probation and a resurrected body phase of existence."

In regards to Adam and D&C 130:5 and and receiving the priesthood. Adam is an exception - Like Joseph Smith was in receiving the priesthood when it was restored. There were no mortals on earth having the priesthood to confirm by the laying on of hands all things unto Adam (Moses 5:59) .

Plus Adam already had the priesthood and held it before this world and held it before on an earth. I'm sure in every mortal probation it is required to receive the ordinances again as a matter of obedience and for example - like Jesus in being baptized etc.

Teachings of the prophet Joseph Smith on Priesthood. Synopsis of an Address delivered by President Joseph Smith, in Commerce, Illinois, Tuesday, June 2, 1839.

The Priesthood was first given to Adam; he obtained the First Presidency, and held the keys of it from generation to generation. He obtained it in the Creation, before the world was formed, as in Genesis 1:26 -28, He had dominion given him over every living creature. He is Michael the Archangel, spoken of in the Scriptures. Then to Noah, who is Gabriel: he stands next in authority to Adam in the Priesthood; he was called of God to this office and was the father of all living in this day, and to him was given the dominion. These men held keys first on earth, and then in heaven.” (ToPJS 157)

So Adam obtained the priesthood in the creation before the world was formed AND he “held keys first on earth, and then in heaven. So Adam held the keys first on an earth and then in the creation before OUR world was formed. WOW!!! I missed that plenty of times….A clear reference to the cycle. Adam had the held the priesthood before “the” world was formed – (I say THIS world) AND YET he held the keys to the priesthood first on earth (I say an EARTH – not our earth where he was Adam but before he was Adam and before he was Michael the Archangel). So priesthood must be held or received first on an Earth and then they can be carried with us to Heaven. So here we see a man having a mortal probation on an earth where he received the keys of the priesthood on an earth and lived true and faithful to the celestial law and received an exaltation and became a Michael an Archangel, had spirit children, organized THIS earth for US, came to earth by the natural process of birth and took the role of an Adam as the Father of our Spirits and the Father of our physical bodies. Who did the then Adam receive instruction and guidance from? The then Adam received instruction from his God which is his Father and our Grandfather and he received instruction from angels from former worlds, who probably have already received and exaltation, on how to offer sacrifices and to use the priesthood again for our gain and to further his exaltation also and to further his Father’s dominion as well.

A summary of the above is below:

Short Version.

Adam had the priesthood when he came to this earth and held the priesthood before this world was formed and held the keys on an earth and then in heaven - TOPJS 157 and he brought the priesthood with him to this earth.

Adam received the priesthood like anybody does, by the laying on of hands by one having authority in a mortal probationary estate or phase of existence and having the priesthood sealed to his spirit he brought them with him to heaven and carried them here to this earth to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

Apply Moses 1 35 – 39 to Adam and it fits perfectly.

35 But only an account of this earth, and the inhabitants thereof, give I unto you. For behold, there are many worlds that have passed away by the word of my power. And there are many that now stand, and innumerable are they unto man; but all things are numbered unto me, for they are mine and I know them.

36 And it came to pass that Moses spake unto the Lord, saying: Be merciful unto thy servant, O God, and tell me concerning this earth, and the inhabitants thereof, and also the heavens, and then thy servant will be content.

37 And the Lord God spake unto Moses, saying: The heavens they are many, and they cannot be numbered unto man; but they are numbered unto me, for they are mine.

38 And as one earth shall pass away, and the heavens thereof even so shall another come; and there is no end to my works, neither to my words.

39 For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

So Adam on a former world was called and elected and received an exaltation and that earth passed away and to further God's plan by providing opportunities to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. Eternal life here means the ability to propagate the species by having spirit children and to live the life that God lives. So Adam or the then Michael had spirit children and then made another earth (so shall another come) with priesthood as the ability to organize the elements is only given to being that have received an exaltation. Michael was then called to be an Adam and came to earth and became Adam or took upon the calling of Adam all in the name of bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of man by offering opportunities to progress to others.

Let me know if that makes sense - for a more in depth layout see ETERNAL PROGRESSION AND THE DIFFERING PHASES OF EXISTENCE

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Thoeries, you are misreading the quote. The patriarchs enumerated were given the priesthood before they were born, but the keys were given on earth.

Am I understanding you correctly? Alma 13 indicates that we (those ordained to the priesthood on earth) were ordained before this life to receive the priesthood. Are you implying that holding the priesthood in this life does not require an ordination in this life? If so can you provide a reference?

The Traveler

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