Hello from Papua New Guinea


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Hello good people of lds.net!

Greetings from Papua New Guinea!

The reason i joined this site is that i was hoping to meet some converts, to hear about their experience when it came to making the 'big change'.

I am catholic and my wife is LDS. To cut to the chase, recently, my wife and i were invited to a 'Family Evening' night by the branch president and his lovely wife, after a good night of sharing, the branch president dropped a bomb on me that he would like to baptise me before he left Papua New Guinea.

I was hoping i would meet some good people who have been through this and share some of their experiences.

Deus te benedicat. Signum Crucis.

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Hello good people of lds.net!

Greetings from Papua New Guinea!

The reason i joined this site is that i was hoping to meet some converts, to hear about their experience when it came to making the 'big change'.

I am catholic and my wife is LDS. To cut to the chase, recently, my wife and i were invited to a 'Family Evening' night by the branch president and his lovely wife, after a good night of sharing, the branch president dropped a bomb on me that he would like to baptise me before he left Papua New Guinea.

I was hoping i would meet some good people who have been through this and share some of their experiences.

Deus te benedicat. Signum Crucis.

Greetings :)
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  • 4 weeks later...

I will tell you this I was born raised a hard core Catholic my heritage is from an Italian Family and you know how parents can feel about you converting ! It was not until I was searching for truth in the early 90's that I came across an TV commercial abot LDS Church and It got me interested in to looking at it I finally looked into it invited the Elder Missionaries in my home and learned about the church and it's truths ! I got baptized after 8 months and I can tell you that I have learned more than when I was a Catholic I hope this helps ! If you need to talk drop me a line or two become my friend God Bless you !

Hello good people of lds.net!

Greetings from Papua New Guinea!

The reason i joined this site is that i was hoping to meet some converts, to hear about their experience when it came to making the 'big change'.

I am catholic and my wife is LDS. To cut to the chase, recently, my wife and i were invited to a 'Family Evening' night by the branch president and his lovely wife, after a good night of sharing, the branch president dropped a bomb on me that he would like to baptise me before he left Papua New Guinea.

I was hoping i would meet some good people who have been through this and share some of their experiences.

Deus te benedicat. Signum Crucis.

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