Witnesses of God


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For those of you that know God lives, is it acceptable to say that you are a witness of God? I'm thinking that "technically" this would be incorrect because only prophets, seers and revelators are graced by God's divine presence.

Even though I was an unruly teen, I do remember and am able to fully recite the LDS Young Women's Motto, and in part it states:

We will stand as witnesses of God at all times, in all things, and in all places.

Thanks for enlightening me.

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I don't think it has anything to do with actually seeing or being graced by His presence.

It has more to do with being missionaries..to spreading the gospel..to sharing His word.

President Eyring states it much better than I can:


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For those of you that know God lives, is it acceptable to say that you are a witness of God?

Yes. The moment a person is baptized they take upon themselves their first covenant with the Lord. They covenant to keep his commandments, always remember him, and take upon them his name. Thus, we become witnesses at the age of our baptism.

I'm thinking that "technically" this would be incorrect because only prophets, seers and revelators are graced by God's divine presence.

Prophets are not the only people to be graced by God's divine presence. Any member of the Church who exercises sufficient faith, has the promise, that the veil will be removed in accordance with the will of the Lord.

Doctrine & Covenants 88: 67-68:

67 And if your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things.

68 Therefore, sanctify yourselves that your minds become single to God, and the days will come that you shall see him; for he will unveil his face unto you, and it shall be in his own time, and in his own way, and according to his own will.

Also, remember when Joseph Smith parted the veil, and the Father and Son visited him, he was not a prophet, seer, or revelator. He was a young boy with a question.

Even though I was an unruly teen, I do remember and am able to fully recite the LDS Young Women's Motto, and in part it states:

Thanks for enlightening me.

The young women's motto and theme are easy to confuse, as in scouts I would confuse the slogan and the motto at times.

What you quoted was the young women's theme. The motto I believe is to "Stand for Truth and Righteousness."

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Good morning Bini. I hope you are having a good day! :)

For those of you that know God lives, is it acceptable to say that you are a witness of God? I'm thinking that "technically" this would be incorrect because only prophets, seers and revelators are graced by God's divine presence.

At various times in my life I have seen God's power and I have felt of His love. I can stand as a witness that He lives, that He has power, and that He loves me. In every way, I am a witness of God and of His gospel.



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For those of you that know God lives, is it acceptable to say that you are a witness of God? I'm thinking that "technically" this would be incorrect because only prophets, seers and revelators are graced by God's divine presence.

Even though I was an unruly teen, I do remember and am able to fully recite the LDS Young Women's Motto, and in part it states:

Thanks for enlightening me.

I do not remember the original source but I love the quote - "what you do thunders so loudly in my ears - I can't hear a word you are saying." Gandhi responded once when asked to give a sermon with, "I am my sermon".

I have know a few Apostles during my life time but the greatest individual witnesses of G-d to me have been by beloved parents - not so much by what they said but because of their incredible example - not just to me be everyone the knew them. I will never forget the time I was picked as a teen late at night when the policeman let all my friends go and turned to me and said - I know your father and he would want me to personally bring you home. Even on my mission I was asked from time to time, "arn't you _____'s son?

I once complained to my dad about the burden of being his son and having the same last name. He just smiled and said that it was only a burden if I was trying to do something I shouldn't be doing. And that is how I feel about standing as a witness of G-d and taking upon me his name.

The Traveler

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I believe that by our actions we are "witnesses" of God and at times we may be prompted by the Spirit to voice that knowledge.

As a missionary I bore testimony in the name of Jesus Christ that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that the gospel was restored, with something along these lines: "I testify in the name of Jesus Christ that..." To me this is serious business. When I was in the LTM (Language Training Mission, now MTC) learning the discussions, and realized that I would be testifying in the name of Jesus Christ to the truthfulness of the gospel, I knew I needed more than just to believe. I needed to know. I believed in the Gospel. I had faith. I believed I was doing the right thing by going on a mission. But, for me, belief/faith wasn't enough. I needed absolute assurance and knowledge. I couldn't just spout the words.

I spent many hours in the LTM, on my knees requesting to receive the witness I needed in order to testify in Christ's name. I received a witness from the Holy Ghost which I cannot deny. That witness is what I go back to whenever a doubt is placed in my mind from the adversary. It's that witness that I received that allows me to testify to my children of the truthfulness of the gospel. That witness has been added upon by many other spiritual experiences that has strengthened my testimony.

Though I've been given that witness, it doesn't mean that I go around spouting "I'm a witness of God" to everyone I meet. The only times I actually say something along those lines is when I'm prompted by the Spirit to do so, for as Christ has said we shouldn't cast our pearls before swine.

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For those of you that know God lives, is it acceptable to say that you are a witness of God? I'm thinking that "technically" this would be incorrect because only prophets, seers and revelators are graced by God's divine presence.

Even though I was an unruly teen, I do remember and am able to fully recite the LDS Young Women's Motto, and in part it states:

Thanks for enlightening me.

I'f you have you've seen/heard/felt his influence then you are a witness, perhaps not at the scale a prophet or apostle would be, but nevertheless a witness nonetheless.
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