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Some questions.

What if they don't like me and I don't like them?

May I ask for a new one?

I know there is a reason our bishop put us together but I feel like our personalities will be like oil and water. I guess I can try them for a while...


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Guest LiterateParakeet

I like your idea to give it a try for awhile. You might be pleasantly surprised. Home teaching is a wonderful program...when it works correctly.

If after a time things really are not working out, yes you can ask for a change. You don't need to ask the Bishop though, just talk to the Elder's Quorum president. He makes the assignments and he can make the changes.

Be the best home teacher/and home teachee that you can. As I said, it is a wonderful program when it works correctly...which I have to add, is not nearly often enough. I suppose that could be a testimony of how much we need it and how far we still have to go. . .sigh. Anyway, do your best, but yes, you can ask for a change if there is a real need.

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Of course they might be thinking the same thing about you. 'What if he doesn't like me?" Just remember they are there for a reason. It's only once a month.

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Just give it a shot with an open mind... with your home teaching companion and with your assigned families.

If there is a conflict, you can talk to your Elder's Quorum President about a change... but give it some time before you go down this route.

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My suggestion, pray for the gift of charity. If you don't like someone then it is an opportunity for you to become more Christlike.

If in all your endeavors, sincere desires, to learn to like and appreciate and the work is halted, then speak with your EQP and address your concerns.

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Thanks everyone for your great advice. I must confess that I was a little disheartened When told my home teacher would be. I'm a shy sort of person and It takes me a while to get comfortable with people in general. I suppose I was sincerely hoping that my home teacher would be a member of the church I was already acquainted with on jovial terms, One of those that I have already forge a friendship with, Who welcomed me into the ward so readily. Maybe someone closer to my age or with similar interests. The brother I was assigned is nice enough, just... Different. Not someone I'd proactively engage with outside of this calling.

But I am probably being a coward and far too hasty. So I will pray about it and continue to pray that God watches over me. :)

Who knows? This may be the beginning, as some of you have suggested, of a good decent friendship.

Thank you again!

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The brother I was assigned is nice enough, just... Different. Not someone I'd proactively engage with outside of this calling.

You just summarized one of the most important aspects of Home teaching in one sentence!

Sometimes, in order to get to know others, we have to be assigned to be their friend. Then, as you magnify your calling, you actually ARE their friends!

Neat, huh? ;)

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And perhaps..just perhaps...You are the person this person needs to strengthen them in some way.

It works the other way as well. One of my teachers is functionally illiterate; not the type of person I meet in my life as a professor. He struggles to read the message, but if he doesn't have to read, he is fine talking about the Scriptures. One of my visiting teachees is functioning at a low normal mental level and is in an assisted living facility. Again, I would never wind up knowing anyone like this in my 'real' life.

It has been a blessing to me to know both of these people. It has improved my patience and my empathy. I would never have chosen to work with them. My ward is full of doctor and professors - people I have much more in common with intellectually and socially, but having to work with them in some way every month, I think has made me a better person. HF knew what he was doing to send them to a snob like me. :D

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