Has Our Church Made Mistakes?

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D&C 58:26-29

26 For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward.

27 Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;

28 For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves. And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward.

29 But he that doeth not anything until he is commanded, and receiveth a commandment with doubtful heart, and keepeth it with slothfulness, the same is damned.

Yes, the same tactics CAN (and have been) used to deceive others. That is not our (my) intention.

I trust in the intelligence of others to review the scriptures and presentation and make their own conclusions.

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D&C 58:26-29

Yes, the same tactics CAN (and have been) used to deceive others. That is not our (my) intention.

I trust in the intelligence of others to review the scriptures and presentation and make their own conclusions.

Likewise; and many thanks for the discussion. :)

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Suzie, I have no first-hand information. All I have (no offense to you or Skippy) is anonymous and/or second-hand rumors on the internet.

Fair enough.

Sure. Aren't you? Our difference is only the degree to which the Church allows social pressure to influence policy; not whether or not it happens.

Yes, of course.

but I have listened to Perkins and have identified specific parts of his analysis of scripture where he is either so colossally ignorant of the context as to have no business lecturing on it--or he is lying. And I continue to believe his tactics are extremely questionable.

Interesting that you mentioned this because I believe I also shared a similar sentiment in another thread a long time ago. The Blacks in the Priesthood series is quite controversial for me and there is a lot of room for debate and disagreement. As a matter of fact, I tend to disagree with a lot of his personal interpretation of those scriptures, however I do not see him as doing it with the intent to mislead people, but simply I see it as a genuine effort of providing some possible answers to those who might need comfort or help. I am not African American so I cannot really say how this directly affects the LDS African American community but it doesn't hurt to try to understand where he is coming from.

I've read a number of Ms. Young's writings and commentaries online. My take is that she is indeed very "compassionate"--to those who agree with her. Moreover, from some of her comments on other issues I believe she's very carefully trying to a lay a foundation on which she and others can build to attack the Church's policy on the sinfulness of gay sex. So no, I don't trust her.

I believe you're very mistaken about her, it is not my experience at all and I do keep in touch with her but we will have to agree to disagree.

You'll note I haven't been nearly as harsh with Gray as I have with Perkins or Young, except to note the lack of primary sources and pigeonhole him with "Cleon Skousen, Denver Snuffer, Randy Bott, and any other popular LDS speaker who gain notoriety by teaching edgy stuff." I happen to like both Skousen and Bott, but let's be candid: They aren't orthodox.

They are not and I do not consider myself orthodox either and it scares me a little bit (perhaps, makes me sad to be honest) to think others won't trust me just because I think a little different in some issues than mainstream mormonism. There is room for diversity in the Church, at least that's what I want to believe.

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They are not and I do not consider myself orthodox either and it scares me a little bit (perhaps, makes me sad to be honest) to think others won't trust me just because I think a little different in some issues than mainstream mormonism. There is room for diversity in the Church, at least that's what I want to believe.

I agree there's room for diversity. But as I understand it we're explicitly told to try the spirits, or self-professed teachers of doctrine.

IMHO we shouldn't be "trusting" any mortal to teach us doctrine, except those whose stewardship it is to do so--and even then, only under very limited conditions.

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IMHO we shouldn't be "trusting" any mortal to teach us doctrine, except those whose stewardship it is to do so--and even then, only under very limited conditions.

I agree. That's why we have the Spirit, to guide us and confirm the truthfulness of what we are asking.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It doesn't matter if we, as LDS, can receive new doctrine or teachings because new doctrine/teachings does not make existing doctrine/teachings false.

Wasn't it also a doctrine to have many spouses? When the new revelation came out and polygamy outlawed did it not make that doctrine obsolete? False? Wrong?

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Guest Shu1ma3ker
Posted (edited) · Hidden

I'm wondering more along the lines of the LDS Church as a whole taking responsibility for a mistake made and having to do damage control.Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

Edited by Shu1ma3ker
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  • 3 months later...

Wasn't it also a doctrine to have many spouses? When the new revelation came out and polygamy outlawed did it not make that doctrine obsolete? False? Wrong?

No. Just like animal sacrifice, circumcision, and a slew of other former practices. We don't rewrite the Bible or cut out the parts we don't practice any more. It was right at the time for the people of that time.

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