Questions about Callings...

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That's interesting. I did ask why I would have to become a deacon and was told "everyone starts off that way" As for it taking over a year before receiving the Aaronic priesthood I was told "it verys from ward to ward but a year was about average for new members". That said I do know one guy who recived it only ten months after being confirmed so I know exceptions can be made. That said, even he has had to become a deacon and now tells me he's had enough and plans to leave. With that in mind I'm happy to just attend church and leave all this pomp and hierarchical claptrap to others :)

I know this was back in the dark ages (1981!) but I got the priesthood almost right away - within a month or so, and I was ordained a priest.

I really came here to recommend a site for you, Mike. It's Stay LDS / Mormon | New Ways to Stay Connected. I recently discovered it, and I like it. The people there are very receptive and it is most definately NOT anti-Mormon.

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That's interesting. I did ask why I would have to become a deacon and was told "everyone starts off that way" As for it taking over a year before receiving the Aaronic priesthood I was told "it verys from ward to ward but a year was about average for new members". That said I do know one guy who recived it only ten months after being confirmed so I know exceptions can be made. That said, even he has had to become a deacon and now tells me he's had enough and plans to leave. With that in mind I'm happy to just attend church and leave all this pomp and hierarchical claptrap to others :)

The priesthood is "pomp and hierarchical claptrap"??


I don't even know how to respond to that.

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That sounds about right. I've been in the church just over a year. I've not had any callings either. nor has anyone else I know who is a new member. In fact, no one in our ward including myself that has been with the church for less than 18 months even holds the priesthood. Then again, our ward has very few new members almost everone has been a life long member and those who haven't have been members well over ten years! Like you, at first this troubled me but I have since decided I'm not that bothered about holding the priesthood as if I did I have been told I would have to start off a deacon and end up being told what to do by a bunch of 12 year olds and sorry but no way I'm I going to play that game.

Your scenario definitely is not the norm. Once baptized one should get the priesthood as fast as they are ready for it.

As far as taking orders from 12 year olds, it doesn’t change if you are a Teacher, a Priest, Elder or High Priest. The 12 year old over the deacons hold "keys" and may ask for help and has authority in certain areas. So, we all do it. :)

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Bad wording on my part. The priesthood is good. It's the pomp and hierarchical structure I was referring to. For example, I'm in my late 30's and run a company employing over 700 people yet I'm expected to reffer to someone young enough to be my child as "elder". If and when, I am ever ordained into the priesthood it will be as a decon. I am also (as are all new members in our ward) constantly reminded by other members how they were "born into the church and have served missions". It stuff like that I consider to be "pomp and claptrap"

One thing I will say. For the past few weeks I have been working north of the border and as such attended a different Chappell. Wow what a difference. Almost half the members here are new converts and those that were born into the church are so incredibly friendly. The kicker is I return home next week :(

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Bad wording on my part. The priesthood is good. It's the pomp and hierarchical structure I was referring to. For example, I'm in my late 30's and run a company employing over 700 people yet I'm expected to reffer to someone young enough to be my child as "elder". If and when, I am ever ordained into the priesthood it will be as a decon. I am also (as are all new members in our ward) constantly reminded by other members how they were "born into the church and have served missions". It stuff like that I consider to be "pomp and claptrap"

One thing I will say. For the past few weeks I have been working north of the border and as such attended a different Chappell. Wow what a difference. Almost half the members here are new converts and those that were born into the church are so incredibly friendly. The kicker is I return home next week :(

You know, I think I will just trust that Heavenly Father knows what he's doing when it comes to how the church is organized.

Perhaps a little humility and better understanding of how the priesthood is organized is in order. If everyone of a certain age got their undies in a bunch over the title of Elder, we'd have a problem. There are millions of us that are older than many of those who are referred to with the title of Elder (missionaries, anyone?). It never ocurred to me to get all offended at calling the young missionaries who taught me the lessons as Elder. After all, that IS the office they hold in the priesthood.

There sure is a lot about the church you complain about. Is there anything you do like? Anything that is up to your standards?

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Leah - To what high standards are you referring to?

You know Leah, I was just looking at the way in which you have replied to other members questions and can't help but notice a certain similarity, which is sad really because I'm sure deep down your really a very nice person. Anyway, have a good week :)

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I know this was back in the dark ages (1981!) but I got the priesthood almost right away - within a month or so, and I was ordained a priest.

I really came here to recommend a site for you, Mike. It's Stay LDS / Mormon | New Ways to Stay Connected. I recently discovered it, and I like it. The people there are very receptive and it is most definately NOT anti-Mormon.

Thanks! This site is amazing. I wish I had come across twelve months ago. Thanks again :)

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I was asked by the RSP if I could ring certain sisters to get their VT reports which I was only too happy to do. I think it was maybe 3 months after being baptized. I cant remember. Not long after that I was called as the Visiting Teacher Board member, now called The Visiting Teacher Leader. I think. leader or co- ordinator - neither here nor there. The Lord calls and the Lord releases :D put the desires of your heart to the Lord. The feild is white :D.....

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I was asked by the RSP if I could ring certain sisters to get their VT reports which I was only too happy to do. I think it was maybe 3 months after being baptized. I cant remember. Not long after that I was called as the Visiting Teacher Board member, now called The Visiting Teacher Leader. I think. leader or co- ordinator - neither here nor there. The Lord calls and the Lord releases :D put the desires of your heart to the Lord. The feild is white :D.....

Just to clarify for those that are investigating and unfamiliar with LDS acronyms: RSP is for Relief Society President.

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I was baptized over 40 years ago but left the church. I came back to the church about 3 1/2 years ago. I was given a calling in less than a month of coming back. That calling was Primary teacher of 6 going on 7 year old children.

My husband and I travel for his work, so we left for over a year and I was released from my calling. We came back home about 7 months ago and I haven't been called yet. My husband said that the Lord knows when the time is right and He will reveal to the Bishopric that information.

I was just thinking of going in to talk with the Bishop yesterday before Sacrament, but didn't have time. Low and behold I was stopped before leaving Church by the Ward Clerk and asked if I could meet with the Bishop on Tuesday afternoon. I think it will be about a new calling... YES!

I will let you know what it is after I see him. I don't even want to guess at it.... ;)

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I was baptized on 8/11/2012 and am about to finish my first year as a convert. I have heard many things about the Bishopric normally wants to wait a year before taking a new convert out of Gospel Principles and Relief Society/Priesthood meetings. I have been in Gospel Doctrine for about 6 months now and am closing in on that year mark. I have grown discouraged due to other converts getting callings after 9 months and our recent converts receiving their first calling within a month of being "dunked". I have spoken with senior missionaries (before they left for home) and my Bishop. Unfortunately, there still has been no answer.

My questions are:

What was your first calling in the church?

How long were you a convert or member before being asked to serve?

What calling have you enjoyed the most?

it is okay to ask for a calling if you want one. :)

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it is okay to ask for a calling if you want one. :)

I just went through this myself. As I stated in my earlier post I was waiting on the Lord for the Bishopric to give me a calling after we returned from being away working for over a year.

So... I waited. Finally Tuesday night I got my new calling as Relief Society Teacher. I told the Bishop that I had been waiting and he asked me way I didn't just come and let him know that I didn't have a calling since we returned.

I told him my husband and I talked about it and we thought we should wait on the Lord. He said that was okay too... but, that it would have been completely fine to let him know. He said he has so many things on his plate that it's easy to over look someone that needs a calling.

So YES, it is completely fine to let the Bishop know you are wanting to do more in the Church and would love a calling. Just be prepared to receive what the Lord has to offer you. We don't always get what we think we should.


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What was your first calling in the church?

How long were you a convert or member before being asked to serve?

What calling have you enjoyed the most?

My first calling in the church was Ward Missionary and Gospel Principals teacher. They went hand and hand really.

I don't think it was even 2 months really when I was called after I was baptized. But I also worked hand and hand with the missionaries in my ward while I was investigating even so it was not a surprise to be called to the calling I was. (I'm still really close with the former and current missionaries in my ward even. I went to the mission reunion just recently even.)

Plus the ward I am in is VERY proactive about keeping members with callings and temple recommends and so on.

The calling I have enjoyed the most would either be my ward missionary calling or one of my current callings which are Munch and Mingle committee and soon to be a formal committee of Hide & Go Seek/Reactivation committee.

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