Question about inactivity and garments

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I'd talk to the bishop.


I expect if you can't buy them without a temple recommend that you probably shouldn't wear them until you have a temple recommend. Thus if you've been away and no longer have an up to date recommend, well, that takes us back to talking to the bishop. :)

You can buy them without having a temple recommend.

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They always ask to see mine before they'll sell them when I go to the distribution center. I'm surprised if you don't need a recommend.

Perhaps if you go to the distribution center, I've always purchased mine from the lds store, it's linked to my church records, it's never questioned me about my recommend status in any way. I have made purchases with no current recommend quite  few times.

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You do not need to have a current recommend to purchase garments.  At Distribution, they will tell you that they need to confirm your endowment.  They can do this by looking at a current temple recommend or they can look you up on the computer with your name and date of birth.


Years ago I went inactive for about 18 months and stopped wearing my garments.  When I came back and met with my Bishop he told me that unless I was specifically told not to wear the garment, that I could wear it.  Additionally... one of the recommend questions is whether or not you wear the garment, so how do you get a recommend if you aren't wearing the garment?

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You do not need to have a current recommend to purchase garments.  At Distribution, they will tell you that they need to confirm your endowment.  They can do this by looking at a current temple recommend or they can look you up on the computer with your name and date of birth.


Years ago I went inactive for about 18 months and stopped wearing my garments.  When I came back and met with my Bishop he told me that unless I was specifically told not to wear the garment, that I could wear it.  Additionally... one of the recommend questions is whether or not you wear the garment, so how do you get a recommend if you aren't wearing the garment?

 Somewhat this logic means no one can go to the temple because you're not supposed to wear garments before going through either. Obviously common sense dictates that there are times that this particular question is put into the individual respondent's context. 

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 Somewhat this logic means no one can go to the temple because you're not supposed to wear garments before going through either. Obviously common sense dictates that there are times that this particular question is put into the individual respondent's context. 


The question applies after you are endowed.


I have been through a period of inactivity in which I did not wear garments.  When I finally got my act straight I went to the bishop... his first question - why are you not wearing your garments (it was pretty obvious in my attire while inactive that I wasn't wearing them)?  And I said, I didn't feel worthy to wear them especially after my temple recommend expired.  And his reply - you need to wear them whether you feel worthy of it or not or whether you have a current recommend or not.  It is a covenant you made at the temple and it should not be broken unless God tells you not to, through one with the proper Priesthood keys.  I asked him what would make him tell somebody like me not to wear garments?  And he said, I would only tell somebody not to wear them when they get excommunicated.


Just sharing my experience.  I can't tell you if my bishop was right or not.  But, I started wearing garments again and it was very instrumental in my path back to full activity.

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  I asked him what would make him tell somebody like me not to wear garments?  And he said, I would only tell somebody not to wear them when they get excommunicated.


Just sharing my experience.  I can't tell you if my bishop was right or not.  


Fwiw, that has always been my understanding. (That it pretty much takes excommunication to clear that covenant out)

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 Somewhat this logic means no one can go to the temple because you're not supposed to wear garments before going through either. Obviously common sense dictates that there are times that this particular question is put into the individual respondent's context. 


The question regarding garments is not included when interviewing someone for their own endowments.  It's only included in recommend renewal interviews.

I've been taught the same thing as Anatess.  Basically, the only reason you should ever stop wearing your garments is if your Priesthood leader(s) specifically tells you not to do so, and it would be quite unusual for him to do that.

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Yes u can put your garments back on again.  Its a covenant you made to always wear them.  THeres no need to ask your bishop but if it makes u more comfortable then do so, plus he will help you with any concerns you have or if you need help on the road back, its always good to talk with your bishop he is your spiritual father its the Bishops job to help us all to get on the right path and help us.  Don't be afraid to speak with them, their more understanding then a lot of us think. And they really are concerned about us all.  Welcome back into activity its a wonderful road to follow the Saviors path.  And Heavenly Father is soooo happy that you desided to come back and so are all your brothers and sisters in the church.  What more can we wish for then the safety and happiness of our fellow man.....???  The best happiness  we can achieve is the closesness to the Godhead, and striving to do what is right.  And we all learn this differently.....


Welcome back Bro..

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Just to add to the thread:  to get access to your account for the LDS Store (Distribution Center), you may need your MRN (membership record number).  You can get it through your online access... or you may need to speak to your ward clerk to get it and register.


BTW, there's NOTHING like wearing a fresh set of garments to feel "fresh in the gospel" (so to speak).

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The question regarding garments is not included when interviewing someone for their own endowments.  It's only included in recommend renewal interviews.

I've been taught the same thing as Anatess.  Basically, the only reason you should ever stop wearing your garments is if your Priesthood leader(s) specifically tells you not to do so, and it would be quite unusual for him to do that.


brain slugs can strike us all


but seriously, I would also assume that a doctor's note would work too, there was a thread about that, and I discussed my... issues with fabric

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The garments we wear are symbolic to the garment given to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. As I understand it they fulfill a 3 fold purpose.

1) to cover our nakedness the same way the atonement covers us.

2) as a shield and protection both in a spiritual sense and physical.

3) as a reminder of the Covernants made in the house of The Lord.

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The garments we wear are symbolic to the garment given to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. As I understand it they fulfill a 3 fold purpose.

1) to cover our nakedness the same way the atonement covers us.

2) as a shield and protection both in a spiritual sense and physical.

3) as a reminder of the Covernants made in the house of The Lord.


cloth can't protect me against most anything physical, except light chemical spills I guess. But I can understand spiritual, religions round the world have garments or headwears for the same or similar reasons.

Never heard the physical thing.

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Off Topic: Lakumi are you a baptized member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? 

No, (there are reasons, mostly petty) but I have talked to many and learned many things-but even if I was a member my mind thinking as it is, often takes an extremely literal view of things. Like when I hear the term fear of God.

If we are on the previous topic or just a broad question, I I can understand the confusion of many to know really why I am here, I could write an essay, really.

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Thanks for your honest answer - it explains a lot, and helps me to understand your posts. 


Remember that often what you are told, is not the whole side of the LDS Church. Even coming from a baptized member. 


My *Rule of Thumb* is, ask the person if their response is *Gospel according to the LDS Church* or *Gospel according to Them*?


Right now I am questioning our Gospel Doctrine Teacher. He keeps throwing out snippets of *Wisdoms*, for lack of a better word. I study the lesson prior to attending church, and I be darned if I can find where he is coming up with these things. 


So I question him, asking him for references. Because I truly lack tact - I do my best to phrase my questions - Bro, after the block could you share your references regarding the parting of the Red Sea and how it was done. I must be blind because I cannot find it. 


Last Sunday he told my husband that I was truly a Pain In His Backside - could he please harness me? Husband said: She is truly looking for the answers - don't song and dance around her. 

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I ask for both, the church side and their side, I like hearing both. I have read much, read all the scriptures and jot down what I think and feel, all that stuff.

I didn't ask many questions because everything they taught me I already knew-I would feel uncomfortable not knowing about everything upon walking into a place.

Which is why I don't like talking to Jehovah's Witnesses because I don't know enough about them, if you are keen into learning more of my weird thinking do shoot me a PM-that goes for anyone.

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cloth can't protect me against most anything physical, except light chemical spills I guess. But I can understand spiritual, religions round the world have garments or headwears for the same or similar reasons.

Never heard the physical thing.

I can't give you a intellectual explanation of this I'm sorry. Yes cloth is just cloth. However there

Are many people who will attest to my previous comment.

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I can't give you a intellectual explanation of this I'm sorry. Yes cloth is just cloth. However there

Are many people who will attest to my previous comment.


I understand, as I said, about everything but the physical, unless the idea is different then what I think (eg protecting me against acid, or knives in a literal physical sense)

or maybe I am looking at it all wrong...

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Off topic question: What classifies a person as inactive?

I asked my Branch President this - he said: Comes to church maybe once a month, or less, but still wants to remain on the church's rolls. 


I was inactive for nearly 30 years. Only went to church when I visited my sisters in Washington state once a year. Wanted my name to remain on the church records, just didn't want anyone dropping by for visits. 


The reason was my first husband was anti-religion. He would be all nice and kind when the HT and/or VT were here, but as soon as their taillights disappeared down the road, he beat the beejeebies out of me. If I got a letter with the LDS return address, he burned the letter in front of me, then beat the beejeebies out of me. My solution, my VT wrote to me once or twice a month and used her own personal return address. 


She would call me, and we would set up shopping dates. She'd pick me up, we would go to lunch and really shop. Mostly at St Vinnie's, Salvation Army.


This went on for 20+ years, until I finally got the courage to leave the bum. 

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