Best spiritual advice you have received?


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Best spiritual advice that I received was to obey the commandment even when you are not sure how things will workout. With respect to the law of tithing the first time you pay can be very scary. A friend told me just to think of it as walking off a cliff and believing that God will catch you. It has been a bit like that in my life especially with not working on Sundays. I think that Satan tells us that certain commandments are more difficult to live than they really are.

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I think the best thing I've heard was in relation to tithing - it's all in how we look at it.   Instead of looking at it as I have to give up 10%, try looking at it as I get to keep 90%!   The money didn't belong to us in the first place - it isn't an absolute that we get any set amount of money so look at the 90% as a gift instead of looking at the 10% as a burden.   It is a spiritual principle that never fails.

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to keep the commandments, to follow the Prophets in this there is safety.

and when things get dark and dreary and they do hold on tighter and don't let go. to remember that we are children of our Heavenly Father and that he really wants the best for all of us. don't be too prideful to to reach out for a hand in need a shoulder for we should be here for each other. to me love is the key.

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The best spiritual "advice" I've received didn't come through words, it came through the example of those people of faith I admire. Seeing those who live out their faith is the best "advice" on being a Christian I have ever received.

The other that comes to mind was from a family friend. He told this to my dad after my mother's surgery went wrong, "It's not over until there is no hope left, and there's always hope."

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Honestly, it's really hard to narrow down the BEST advice I've received since, although it sounds trite, almost every good piece of spiritual advice I've heard has benefitted me greatly more or less.


I guess ultimately, although it's not really advice per se, it comes down to the firm testimony of the Church that was given to me by the Holy Ghost when I prayed to know if it was true. This has formed the foundation for every single one of my spiritual beliefs since and without it, the testimony of my parents and everyone else that I rode off of when I was young would sooner or later collapse and without that foundation I have now, I would have became a COMPLETELY different person.

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This is one of my favorite quotes which I think fits in well here as good spiritual advice :)


"Not to accept everything, but to understand everything; not to approve of everything, but to forgive everything; not to adopt everything, but to search for the grain of truth that is contained in everything. 

To repulse no idea and no good will, however awkward of feeble.

To love souls as Jesus Christ loved them, unto suffering, unto death".


Elizabeth Leseur

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I would not say I have received one great piece of spiritual advice. But below are scriptures that have affected me:

“For if ye love only them which love you what reward have you?" -- Matthew 5:46 Inspired Version (changed to verse 48)

"By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." -- John 13:35

Some seem to value God’s love because of their hope that His love is so great and so unconditional that it will mercifully excuse them from obeying His laws. In contrast, those who understand God’s plan for His children know that God’s laws are invariable, which is another great evidence of His love for His children. Mercy cannot rob justice, and those who obtain mercy are “they who have kept the covenant and observed the  commandment” (Doctrine & Covenants 54:6). -- Dallin H. Oaks


"Such then is the need of a Redeemer, for without Him mankind would forever remain in a fallen state, and as to hope of eternal progression would be inevitably lost. The mortal probation is provided as an opportunity for advancement; but so great are the difficulties and the dangers, so strong is the influence of evil in the world, and so weak is man in resistance thereto, that without the aid of a power above that of humanity no soul would find its way back to God from whom it came. The need of a Redeemer lies in the inability of man to raise himself from the temporal to the spiritual plane, from the lower kingdom to the higher." – Jesus The Christ, written by James Talmage, pages 26-27


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I wish I could come up with something - but for my entire life, whenever I have thought I have discovered the best spiritual advice it has later come to be overshadowed by something much more profound, sometimes from the most simple of sources. 


In thinking I do remember on my mission as my companion and I had experienced a most spiritually profound miracle.  Unable to express myself and my feelings I turned to my companion and said that I could not believe what had happened.  My companion kind of smiled and said, “You ain’t seen nothing yet!”


I cannot say that every spiritual experience is greater than the previous but from time to time I see something I have not seen before and I am surprised at the incredible beauty of it.  I am sure that I am \ the most blessed person on earth – then, just like this Sunday a Sister missionary expresses her testimony and I think I am lucky just to have heard and to be associated with so many in my life that have spiritually lifted me up like her.


Sorry friends – I have no best spiritual advice.

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I wish I could come up with something - but for my entire life, whenever I have thought I have discovered the best spiritual advice it has later come to be overshadowed by something much more profound, sometimes from the most simple of sources. 


In thinking I do remember on my mission as my companion and I had experienced a most spiritually profound miracle.  Unable to express myself and my feelings I turned to my companion and said that I could not believe what had happened.  My companion kind of smiled and said, “You ain’t seen nothing yet!”


I cannot say that every spiritual experience is greater than the previous but from time to time I see something I have not seen before and I am surprised at the incredible beauty of it.  I am sure that I am \ the most blessed person on earth – then, just like this Sunday a Sister missionary expresses her testimony and I think I am lucky just to have heard and to be associated with so many in my life that have spiritually lifted me up like her.

Any spiritual advice would be gratefully received


Sorry friends – I have no best spiritual advice.

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I've not gotten much amazing advice, I've given some out, but I think the most interesting things are when people ask why I believe in something, my beliefs change and they always have and always will as I find new things and take them into my system, though I due think its due to my very unique way of thinking...

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Not really "the best" as there are just way too many bests... but one thing that got me through my dark days...


I went through a period of self loathing and all the junk that went with it.  The music director of the Catholic Church (I was attending the Roman Catholic Church then) who is in Seminary (college for Catholic Priests) was talking about the 2nd greatest commandment - to love your neighbors as yourself and I said, "How can I love others when I hate myself?"


And this is what he told me - Hating yourself is loving yourself more than you love others... and I'm like... What?


He told me that this thing of self-loathing is just another expression of one's self-love.  I was too obsessed with myself - telling myself I don't measure up to how I thought I should be which is making me hate myself that I can't get myself to love other people.


It was a tough pill to swallow but it hit me like a ton of bricks.  I started to just let it go... and immerse myself in service to others (I went and volunteered to help Bosnian refugees start a life in the USA).  And, one day, I woke up, and I couldn't remember the last time I wanted to kill myself... it was a freedom like no other...

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I wish I could come up with something - but for my entire life, whenever I have thought I have discovered the best spiritual advice it has later come to be overshadowed by something much more profound, sometimes from the most simple of sources. 


In thinking I do remember on my mission as my companion and I had experienced a most spiritually profound miracle.  Unable to express myself and my feelings I turned to my companion and said that I could not believe what had happened.  My companion kind of smiled and said, “You ain’t seen nothing yet!”


I cannot say that every spiritual experience is greater than the previous but from time to time I see something I have not seen before and I am surprised at the incredible beauty of it.  I am sure that I am \ the most blessed person on earth – then, just like this Sunday a Sister missionary expresses her testimony and I think I am lucky just to have heard and to be associated with so many in my life that have spiritually lifted me up like her.

Any spiritual advice would be gratefully received


Sorry friends – I have no best spiritual advice.


I have found the following spiritual advice quite helpful for me.


The first step towards evil is the gratifying of self or the turning to selfishness.  Which is to be undisciplined.


The first step toward good is the sacrifice of self. Which is the beginning of discipline.

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