Returning to church


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I grew up as an atheist but joined the church at around 20 years old, I was active in the church for around 2 years then I stopped attending partly because I moved but also many other silly little reasons.


I have been inactive for around 15 years and for a large part of that time didn't consider myself a member.


My question is that i'm looking to go back to church but I don't know what the process will be as I have sin quite a bit in that time, I basically broke every part of the words of wisdom possible, I of course didn't pay any tithing at all, I never attended church at all and I have broken my vow of chastity(alone and in thought/desire only).


One aspect I've been thinking about as well as repenting which I have already started is tithing, as I have been a member for the last 15 years should I work out how much I have earned in this time to pay tithing or will I be a full tithe payer by starting from now.


Also I don't know anyone in the ward closest to where I live and my 1 visit there (15 years ago) I was a little freaked out by someone, for a silly reason but its still on my mind, and its not to easy for me to get there.


I know I should just bite the bullet so to speak and go on Sunday and see what the Bishop says but its easier said than done.


If it has any bearing on the answer I was/am an Aaronic priesthood member, I have not done any temple ordinances other than proxy baptisms, and I did not serve or start a mission.


Also I am moving in the next few months so should I leave it till after I move or is now best.


Thank in advance for any and all answers

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As far as tithing is concerned make a decision to be a full tithe payer from this day forward, no need to pay back tithing.


Go now talk to your bishop, get your feet wet so to speak and it will be a smoother transition when you move.

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The process for returning to Church is easy...  You show up and start participating.  A lot of people worry and stress and make it a bigger deal in their minds that it is harder then it really is.  


As for you Bishop... he is not there to punish you for your prior sins and mistakes.  He is there to help you learn and apply the atonement of Christ in your life and become a better/different person.


As to if you should talk to the bishop before you move or talk to the bishop after you move... well sooner is always better... But the important thing is to start moving forward. Prayer, scripture study, attending are things that can help strengthen you to over come your fears and challenges to make the changes you need to make and to visit the bishop.

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I have been an active investigator a 1 1/2 years now, I go to Sacrament on a regular basis then fall off the face of the planet on them for a month then come back and they welcome me with open arms everytime. Returning would be easy for you, just get involved. If you feel like there will be difficulty speak to your bishop as someone mentioned about it and that will ease the transition for you. Its all about moving forward, even if you did go backwards for awhile.

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