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Finished the Book of Mormon a couple of weeks ago and I've been gearing myself up to crack on with D/C.


I was wondering if there were good resources to compliment the reading of D/C and what are the favorite parts for you personally, you know bits that have helped you immensely or shone light on an old problem ? 


I'm going to make a start on it tonight once I've finished tying up the loose ends of the day. 


Hope everyone is doing good. 

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Making Sense of the Doctrine and Covenants is actually quite good, even if the title is a bit . . . schmaltzy.

The key to appreciating the D&C generally is context, context, context. Those revelations, on the whole, answered particular questions and often referred or alluded to very specific details.

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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I'll be starting the D&C soon too and was wondering of the three, which would you recommend for someone beginning it for the first time?

Just from looking at it, I like how the seminary manual breaks it up but I'm afraid it'll be to watered down as its for a younger audience.

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Making Sense of the Doctrine and Covenants is actually quite good, even if the title is a bit . . . schmaltzy.

The key to appreciating the D&C generally is context, context, context. Those revelations, on the whole, answered particular questions and often referred or alluded to very specific details.

I agree with Just_A_Guy


context is the key for D&C, try to understand to whom specifically the Lord was talking to, to whom the instruction was given and in what context, think about the political and cultural environment of the saints at that time and how those revelations may have been influenced by that.

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When I first joined the Church, i read all the standard works in one year. I read the Book of Mormon first, then I followed that with the New Testament.  Then I read the D&C, the PofGP and then the Old Testament.  I think that was a good order to read them in because it helped me understand things more when it got to the Old Testament.  I'd read the New Testament before the D&C because many of those revelations came about from Joseph doing his own translation of the New Testament.  That would give you a better context of the D&C and why those revelations came.  BYU offers a class in the D&C that is very good that you can take through distance learning, too. 

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Finished the Book of Mormon a couple of weeks ago and I've been gearing myself up to crack on with D/C.

I was wondering if there were good resources to compliment the reading of D/C and what are the favorite parts for you personally, you know bits that have helped you immensely or shone light on an old problem ?

I'm going to make a start on it tonight once I've finished tying up the loose ends of the day.

Hope everyone is doing good.

Old Institute books are good, lesson books the same. D/C 120-122, some of the most wonderful scripture written under the most difficult time of Joseph's short life!
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