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My name is Aggie and I’m an anthropology major in college. :) I’m currently doing an ethnographic fieldwork paper on Mormonism and the LDS community for my cultural anthropology class.


I’ve always been interested in the Mormon religion and its history, so I decided it would be a good topic for me to explore further for my paper. I searched around online and found this forum and thought it would be a great community to get a variety of info and opinions from. :)


I feel that even though Mormonism has become more commonly known of and prevalent in modern culture, there are a lot of misunderstandings and stereotypes about what Mormonism represents and what its followers believe, and my paper will set to try a dispel those misconceptions as well as give a better idea of its modern followers.


I've been exploring the religion myself throughout the years, but wanted to hear more personal opinions and views from a variety of its followers. I'd love any thoughts or opinions! If anyone is interested in answering some survey questions, let me know! I have a small pool of questions ranging from what your religion means to you personally, to what you think of the representation of Mormonism in modern culture today.


I'm looking forward to exploring the religion and learning more from this community! Please feel free to ask any questions about my research paper. :)



Edited by Aggie@JSC
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I’ve always been interested in the Mormon religion and its history, so I decided it would be a good topic for me to explore further for my paper. (...)


I'm looking forward to exploring the religion and learning more from this community! Please feel free to ask any questions about my research paper. :)




Will it be be published in the Salt Lake Tribune...?  :rolleyes:

Edited by JimmiGerman
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Hello! No, it's my final research paper project for my cultural anthropology class at my college, I'm not gonna be publishing it anywhere. :)


That's what you say now, because you don't have all results of your research yet. Hmm... "cultural anthropology" and  "final research paper" ... sorry,  it sounds to me a bit like "let's examine and analyze this peculiar species, but be careful not to come too near to the cage".  smiley-eatdrink062.gif

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That's what you say now, because you don't have all results of your research yet. Hmm... "cultural anthropology" and  "final research paper" ... sorry,  it sounds to me a bit like "let's examine and analyze this peculiar species, but be careful not to come too near to the cage".  smiley-eatdrink062.gif


I understand your apprehension, but the fact is I’m simply a college student wanting to get personal opinions and views from a real Mormon community. :) The entire point of anthropological work is to interact and ask questions directly of the group to get first hand accounts and a variety of viewpoints. There’s no approach of “analyzing” a “peculiar species” as you described it. The "cage" metaphor could more accurately be used to illustrate me getting into that “cage” to interact with a community I’m learning from, to hear an unclouded account of their beliefs and opinions. :P Just good ol' real interactions instead of getting answers or opinions off a biased and unfair article on the web or news report on TV for example.  ;) If I had wanted to just write a paper about Mormonism in general, I could simply do some quick web searches and written up something based on biased, inaccurate and possibly sensationalized reports of what a LDS church or community represents. Obviously I didn't want that. 


I hope this cleared things up a bit, I didn't mean any offense! If you wanna email my anthropology teacher for any more questions regarding the assignment, feel free! Her name is Kaja and her email is [email protected].


And Omegaseamaster75, great, thank you! Would you like me to message the questions to you personally? I think I may just put up the complete survey here soon once it's finished, too.  :)

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 I searched around online and found this forum and thought it would be a great community to get a variety of info and opinions from.

I hope so.  I find my opinions sometimes conflict with the 'norm'.  I am a 30 year convert and would be happy to discuss any aspect of the faith you wish.

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Hello and welcome. I think that is a great topic you choose to do your fieldwork on. I'm sure their will be many who will help you out. I hope that you will enjoy your time in here. Just a little information not all on this site are members of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter day Saints. If I might suggest the best way to get information is to go to the source. Go to the church the closest to where you live. Talk with the missionaries, the

Edited by Roseslipper
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the bishop mingle with the members face to face is best is my suggestion. Also go to lds.org and www. mormon

Com. I recommend you for the topic you choose and that u want to get the fact s right. I wish u best wishes on your journey hope u get an A on your paper. Sorry for doing this in to parts actually I've typedthis multiple times and I am frustrated because I am not tech smart with my fat fingers and bad vision doing this for you is hard cause Icant see a lot of what I am writing so forgive me of my mistake s

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