Bruce Jenner


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Growing up, I recall Bruce Jenner on the box of Wheaties cereal and recall his amazing decathlon Gold in the 1976 Olympics. I now read and apparently it is legit he is attempting to become a woman. I have no doubt that Mr. Jenner has some serious mental illness and shame on the medical community for treating this as anything other than a mental disorder.


At what point do we hold physicians so-called accountable for not seeking to heal rather than allowing an obviously sick person to continue the slide to the point of no return? 





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He is free to do what he wants too, (thank Goodness for that) but I question the wisdom of him doing it. 


That kind of freedom should be curtailed. It is without question mental illness and just as we would attempt to prevent other mentally ill people from harming themselves, the same should be done here. Attempting to become a woman by removing male sexual organs and using hormone therapy is criminal IMO and the patient is being abused by Dr's that should have there medical licenses revoked and face criminal prosecution.

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Guest MormonGator

That kind of freedom should be curtailed. It is without question mental illness and just as we would attempt to prevent other mentally ill people from harming themselves, the same should be done here. Attempting to become a woman by removing male sexual organs and using hormone therapy is criminal IMO and the patient is being abused by Dr's that should have there medical licenses revoked and face criminal prosecution.

I'm not sure about that. Whenever someone wants to curtail freedom (in particular a freedom that does not effect another person) the same argument could be used to infringe on my rights.


IE-I have tattoos. I love them. I'm sure it's a choice not everyone agrees with. That's fine, they are within their rights to inform me of their opinion, yell at me, call me names and judge me. However they can not physically stop me. 

I get nervous when anyone wants to use force to stop another person from making choices. 


In the long run, I don't care enough about Jenner to pay attention. 

Just thoughts from an annoying, loudmouth libertarian guy  :P

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Getting a tattoo and having your penis removed by a physician is a bit different don't you think? If I went to a DR and said I felt like I should have been born a one armed man, I would hope the Dr. would not remove the offending arm and would instead seek to treat the obvious problem. 


That said, if I came home with only one arm....shouldn't the Dr be held liable? Let's replace Bruce with instead a beloved family member and make it a bit more personal.


I myself am a libertarian....

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So one of them actually did something to become famous? 


BTW, thanks for making me feel young for a change. #wasn'tevenbornyet


Haha....I was just a wee lad meself! Yes, Bruce Jenner was a world class athlete! Not a frail daisy type fellow at all....or anything like the grandmother figure he is slowly becoming.

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Guest MormonGator

Getting a tattoo and having your penis removed by a physician is a bit different don't you think? If I went to a DR and said I felt like I should have been born a one armed man, I would hope the Dr. would not do so and would instead seek to treat the obvious problem. 


That said, if I came home with only one arm....shouldn't the Dr be held liable? Let's replace Bruce with instead a beloved family member and make it a bit more personal.


I myself am a libertarian....

 Is it different? Maybe not. Both are permanent. Both do not effect you personally. Both do not cost you money. In fact, in a sane society, you wouldn't even hear about Jenner. 

If a family member got a sex change, I can honestly say it wouldn't bother me. If a friend did it, same thing. I don't know why it wouldn't bother me. It just wouldn't. 

And that's awesome about being libertarian. We need to stick together, not many of us out there. 

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 Is it different? Maybe not. Both are permanent. Both do not effect you personally. Both do not cost you money. In fact, in a sane society, you wouldn't even hear about Jenner. 

If a family member got a sex change, I can honestly say it wouldn't bother me. If a friend did it, same thing. I don't know why it wouldn't bother me. It just wouldn't. 

And that's awesome about being libertarian. We need to stick together, not many of us out there. 


Pretty different. How you believe that this costs us nothing financially ignores what it does to the decay of society and the influence it has on others struggling with similar illness. The cost that is worse than monetary and should be obvious is the destruction of  Heavenly Fathers children, the Family and the advance of the Adversary's designs.

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Guest MormonGator

Pretty different. How you believe that this costs us nothing financially ignores what it does to the decay of society and the influence it has on others struggle with similar illness. The cost that is worse than monetary is or should be obvious and that is the destruction of the Heavenly Fathers children, the Family and the advance of the Adversary's designs.

That's true, but in a free society we have to "accept" what we personally don't like. 


Again, you have every right to yell, scream, judge, and do what you want. You just don't have the right to physically stop him from doing it. It's not a choice you or I agree with, but after all it's his body. He doesn't have to live by our morals anymore than we have to live by his. 

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That's true, but in a free society we have to "accept" what we personally don't like. 


Again, you have every right to yell, scream, judge, and do what you want. You just don't have the right to physically stop him from doing it. It's not a choice you or I agree with, but after all it's his body. He doesn't have to live by our morals anymore than we have to live by his. 


Of course, I am not judging him.I am judging the physicians that would be party to this and the society that supports it.

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Of course, I am not judging him.I am judging the physicians that would be party to this and the society that supports i

What if said appendage no longer functions as it should? Rumor has it that he cycled so many steroids during his time as an Olympic athlete that he no longer retains usable function. Would it be ok to cut it of then....seeing as how there is not meaningful use for the unit?

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What if said appendage no longer functions as it should? Rumor has it that he cycled so many steroids during his time as an Olympic athlete that he no longer retains usable function. Would it be ok to cut it of then....seeing as how there is not meaningful use for the unit?


Of course not. The issue here is mental illness and medical malpractice. 

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Don't ask me to find my source because I'm going from memory, but, I remember reading somewhere that those who undergo gender changes are more susceptible to suicide.  Apparently, if one is unhappy with their gender, getting it changed doesn't necessarily make them suddenly happy.  That tells me that this is more about mental illness than a physical problem.

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I fully agree with bytor. The man is flagrantly mentally ill. Do we care for our mentally ill? Or do we just let them pursue their self-destructive behaviors while cheering them on?


The only reason Bruce Jenner is being encouraged to maim himself physically and emotionally instead of gently counseled and treated for his obvious mental illness is because of the unbelievably strong pro-homosexuality movement in the US. The unmitigated self-destruction of Bruce Jenner is a national disgrace. This has nothing at all to do with freedom or even with societal grappling with transgenderism. It has everything to do with allowing a mentally ill, deeply unhappy man to harm himself in the name of the open glorification of homosexuality.


I hope for the best for Bruce Jenner, though at this point I honestly don't know what that would be. I am confident that those who profit from his mental illness will ultimately get the reward they have so fully earned.

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Growing up, I recall Bruce Jenner on the box of Wheaties cereal and recall his amazing decathlon Gold in the 1976 Olympics. I now read and apparently it is legit he is attempting to become a woman. I have no doubt that Mr. Jenner has some serious mental illness and shame on the medical community for treating this as anything other than a mental disorder.


At what point do we hold physicians so-called accountable for not seeking to heal rather than allowing an obviously sick person to continue the slide to the point of no return? 

should we? should we hold car vendors accountable for car accidents, or how much so?

also the problem of "well if this type self identification is bad" what makes it so different from about all the other "alternative lifestyle" identifications?... just a whole bunch of different cans of worms.

how much information has been released in regards to this person's medical history?

on the other hand I'd say this is a good case for needing more people in the field who have strong morals, altho i'd wager they'd end up getting crucified more lor less.

my understanding is that usually there is some warning and advice to a person before they do something like this.

Edited by Blackmarch
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I fully agree with bytor. The man is flagrantly mentally ill. Do we care for our mentally ill? Or do we just let them pursue their self-destructive behaviors while cheering them on?


The only reason Bruce Jenner is being encouraged to maim himself physically and emotionally instead of gently counseled and treated for his obvious mental illness is because of the unbelievably strong pro-homosexuality movement in the US. The unmitigated self-destruction of Bruce Jenner is a national disgrace. This has nothing at all to do with freedom or even with societal grappling with transgenderism. It has everything to do with allowing a mentally ill, deeply unhappy man to harm himself in the name of the open glorification of homosexuality.


I hope for the best for Bruce Jenner, though at this point I honestly don't know what that would be. I am confident that those who profit from his mental illness will ultimately get the reward they have so fully earned.

While I agree with you and Bytor Bruce is mentally ill. I do not think that he is "gay". In interviews that I have seen he has said that there is no same sex attraction. He needs clinical help, 

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I feel for him and any family that goes through this, especially, when you're under a public microscope. My views are very different from the vast majority on this site when it comes to these issues. I think we often forget that, regardless, how we feel we'd handle a situation - or even if we deem it bad news - that we continue to love our neighbours as ourselves. I hope whatever transition Jenner is going through that he'll find peace and be able to live his life as an equal member of society.

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should we? should we hold car vendors accountable for car accidents, or how much so?

also the problem of "well if this type self identification is bad" what makes it so different from about all the other "alternative lifestyle" identifications?... just a whole bunch of different cans of worms.

Blackmarch, I get what you're saying about car vendors and car accidents.

This one is different from all the other "alternative lifestyle" identifications because of the mental illness factor. This would be more akin to a 10-year-old child (who doesn't have the mental maturity to make life-changing decisions) asking a doctor to give her a boob job.

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While I agree with you and Bytor Bruce is mentally ill. I do not think that he is "gay". In interviews that I have seen he has said that there is no same sex attraction. He needs clinical help, 


I agree with you, though I don't know whether he is homosexual. My point is that the homosexual agenda is being used to celebrate his mental illness.

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My views are very different from the vast majority on this site when it comes to these issues. I think we often forget that, regardless, how we feel we'd handle a situation - or even if we deem it bad news - that we continue to love our neighbours as ourselves.


In what way is this view "different from the vast majority on this site"?

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Guest MormonGator

Regardless of my own views on Jenner I enjoy everyones posts here. They always make me think.

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