Miracles ...


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The topic came up recently are there still miracles?

Or have they ceased?

I raised the issue today with 4 others and at first they said no, no miracles.

I shared that I consider each new day of life for me to be a miracle, in that I never knew I would live to be as old as I now am.

Then they started to remember things that could of late be considered a miracle.

I just returned from Utah and saw a miracle.  Posters advertising (in Manti and Fairview) "An Evening with Porter Rockwell". 

Which is a miracle as he's been dead for 138 years.

But it reminded me of lectures I attended as a child.  Mark Twain lectures.  Not actually Mark Twain but old men that looked like and could memorize Mark Twain lectures and give them in various civic auditoriums.

Those were the days when there was decent entertainment for young people tho' I think the minimum age for the Mark Twain lectures was 12 or 14 as there were adult themes.

What miracles have you seen with your own eyes lately?


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Mormon has this to say about miracles:

"...has the day of miracles ceased?

Or have angels ceased to appear unto the children of men? Or has he withheld the power of the Holy Ghost from them? Or will he, so long as time shall last, or the earth shall stand, or there shall be one man upon the face thereof to be saved?

Behold I say unto you, Nay; for it is by faith that miracles are wrought; and it is by faith that angels appear and minister unto men; wherefore, if these things have ceased wo be unto the children of men, for it is because of unbelief, and all is vain."

Miracles happen and they continue to happen. People have vision restored. People are healed. People are alive. Faith is the key.

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Many times people don't recognize miracles as they really are.  Many would call things that happen just luck.  But I believe miracles happen every day.


For me, these kinds of miracles are by far the most common.

I do not believe in coincidence.  Everything happens for a purpose.

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For me, these kinds of miracles are by far the most common.

I do not believe in coincidence.  Everything happens for a purpose.


I wouldn't say that EVERYTHING happens for a purpose. But I believe many things do.

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The topic came up recently are there still miracles?

Or have they ceased?

I raised the issue today with 4 others and at first they said no, no miracles.

I shared that I consider each new day of life for me to be a miracle, in that I never knew I would live to be as old as I now am.

Then they started to remember things that could of late be considered a miracle.

I just returned from Utah and saw a miracle.  Posters advertising (in Manti and Fairview) "An Evening with Porter Rockwell". 

Which is a miracle as he's been dead for 138 years.

But it reminded me of lectures I attended as a child.  Mark Twain lectures.  Not actually Mark Twain but old men that looked like and could memorize Mark Twain lectures and give them in various civic auditoriums.

Those were the days when there was decent entertainment for young people tho' I think the minimum age for the Mark Twain lectures was 12 or 14 as there were adult themes.

What miracles have you seen with your own eyes lately?


I've seen a couple, and have heard others share theirs.

one instance that i had the opportunity of observing was when someone was investigating the LDS church, for about a week she would pray and ask God for a sign, and almost immediately after she would either see the missionaries, or they would call, or they would knock on the door (unscheduled)... to the point where it was getting freaky.

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I heard of a supposed miracle today.

A woman living near, in sight of the Los Angeles Temple had stated that she would not be interested in the LDS church as long as the Angel Moroni atop the Temple faced away from her.

Meanwhile, David McKay visited the Temple and noticed that the Angel Moroni faced southeast as does the Temple.  He ordered Moroni to be rotated to face directly to the east.

So one morning this neighbor woman awoke and looked up to see the Angel Moroni now facing directly toward her house, which was to the east of the Temple.

Imagine her surprise.  I suppose today she is a member in good standing.


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I use the word 'miracle' from time to time but don't really believe in them. I do believe everything happens for a reason, as in, a chain of events sets things off in motion. I don't think everything that happens necessarily has 'meaning' though - sometimes things happen at the same time or occur similarly - but have no relation. Some things really are just coincidence.

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There are coincidences.

But certain coincidence has a divine nature to it, perhaps, on some occasions.

Thus, I'm still alive.  There were people who came into my life and kept me alive.  People who did things that saved my life.

And just general influence and faith and activity that kept me going.

I never knew I would live to this age.  My mother and brother didn't.  And I suppose I have known many others who didn't.

So every day is a miracle to me.


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I use the word 'miracle' from time to time but don't really believe in them. I do believe everything happens for a reason, as in, a chain of events sets things off in motion. I don't think everything that happens necessarily has 'meaning' though - sometimes things happen at the same time or occur similarly - but have no relation. Some things really are just coincidence.

I testify to you that miracles happen.

I am a skeptic. I have seen many "almost" miracles that can be explained, but there are some that defy all explanation as I understand it.

I build powerlines for a living. We were setting a new pole between two energized wires. It was pouring rain, and I mean everything was dripping wet. As we were positioning the pole it came in contact with one of the wires. One of the guys ran over to help and put his hands on the pole but mistakenly forgot to put on his rubber gloves. The bottom of the pole was about three feet off the ground. He should have been instantly burned, if not killed. He completed a path for 7200 volts to go to ground with his body by putting both his hands on the pole. We screamed at him to get back. He did and I can still see the look of shock on his face. Not only was he not hurt, he didn't even feel a thing.

That was a miracle. I saw it. I was there, first hand. It wasn't a miracle of healing (those happen to) but is was most certainly a miracle. It cannot be explained. I've seen 7200 volts turn dirt into glass.

A few years ago a friend of mine completed a path to ground while he was touching a building. 7200 volts went through him and blew a hole in the building where he was touching it with his hand. He was killed instantly.

Other miracles of healing are too sacred to share.

Miracles happen.

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I testify to you that miracles happen.

I am a skeptic. I have seen many "almost" miracles that can be explained, but there are some that defy all explanation as I understand it.

I build powerlines for a living. We were setting a new pole between two energized wires. It was pouring rain, and I mean everything was dripping wet. As we were positioning the pole it came in contact with one of the wires. One of the guys ran over to help and put his hands on the pole but mistakenly forgot to put on his rubber gloves. The bottom of the pole was about three feet off the ground. He should have been instantly burned, if not killed. He completed a path for 7200 volts to go to ground with his body by putting both his hands on the pole. We screamed at him to get back. He did and I can still see the look of shock on his face. Not only was he not hurt, he didn't even feel a thing.

That was a miracle. I saw it. I was there, first hand. It wasn't a miracle of healing (those happen to) but is was most certainly a miracle. It cannot be explained. I've seen 7200 volts turn dirt into glass.

A few years ago a friend of mine completed a path to ground while he was touching a building. 7200 volts went through him and blew a hole in the building where he was touching it with his hand. He was killed instantly.

Other miracles of healing are too sacred to share.

Miracles happen.


I just don't believe in miracles. I believe something sets a chain of events off, and why it happened is sometimes blatantly obvious, and other times discreet. I also tend to believe that nothing is 100% certain or guaranteed, even if 99.9% of the time the expected outcome is X, there's a percentage chance that it could be Y (the so called 'miracle'). Again, expressing how I feel and not intending to convince anyone, I'm perfectly fine being the minority in this belief.

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Yes, miracles happen. They are sometimes (or even often) alluded to among the Saints, but rarely discussed openly. This is because we have been warned not to cast our pearls before swine and not to treat sacred things lightly. Thus, most such miracles are not mentioned. As a result, the "miracle stories" we do hear are often from the least credible sources, and can tend to elicit eye rolls and awkward pauses.


But that doesn't mean miracles don't happen; they most certainly do. It just means we need to be careful how and with whom we share such things.

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Miracles are real. They are all around us. For instance most people do not understand or believe that it is a miracle that we can move our hands. Most people do not understand or believe that it is a miracle that we do not float in to space because of gravity (gravity is a miracle). Because of blindness most of God's children take the miracles they experience every day for granted because they have experienced the miracles for they whole life. They mistakenly think that miraculous every day events are mundane every day events.  


I say this while at the same time I am a hypocrite. I take God's goodness and the miracles He blesses me with for granted everyday! I have only begun to see, in small glimpses, how miraculous all of God's works are! Take for a moment to consider all that is happening around you. Try to see things as a child would see them. A child sees the world as a miracle because they haven't been blinded yet. We mistakenly think that the child is naive to believe that a leaf is a miracle, but the truth is that the child is right!


I have also witnessed miracles that I do not get exposed to every day. This too have been just as real as the miracle of walking, for instance.



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I just don't believe in miracles. I believe something sets a chain of events off, and why it happened is sometimes blatantly obvious, and other times discreet. I also tend to believe that nothing is 100% certain or guaranteed, even if 99.9% of the time the expected outcome is X, there's a percentage chance that it could be Y (the so called 'miracle'). Again, expressing how I feel and not intending to convince anyone, I'm perfectly fine being the minority in this belief.


I understand your point.  I believe that many "miracles" can be explained, sometimes quite easily.  However, I cannot explain away what happened that day.  


7200 volts.  Soaking wet everywhere.  No safety gear.  Human body completing a path for the power to ground.


If you do not believe in miracles, you will not see them.  The brain will ignore something which it considers unimportant, even if it exists in reality.

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Miracles aren't events that break the laws of the universe.  They are events that happen for our good, sometimes unexplainable, but not always.  Just because a miracle has a "real" explanation doesn't mean it isn't a miracle.  Sure, maybe some of the wonder is lost when you learn about a law of physics or medicine that explains an event, but that doesn't change what happened.


I'm pretty badly nearsighted.  If I were alive in the first century I'd probably be considered blind.  My vision isn't dark, but I couldn't even read what I'm typing right now if it weren't for my glasses. (I sometimes think that this is why Christ healed some blind people differently than others.  Astigmatism (spelling is hard...) is a different kind of blindness than someone who literally can't perceive light.Actually, while I am not legally blind, without corrective lenses I wouldn't be able to drive, read anything not a half foot in front of me, recognize people by looking at them, etc.


So while my "blindness" isn't "cured" by divine power, God gifted the people of my day with the intelligence to make lenses that I wear and with them on I have better than 20/20 vision.  That it is a physical and easily explainable solution (to us, but imagine how prescription glasses to a person like me in 50 AD would be like) is beside the fact that while I am physically "blind" I am able to see. 

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Miracles happen, we may not understand why they happen but I am sure that they are governed by the laws of this earth. Many of which we do not understand.


Now someone said that everything happens for a reason. This I  cannot agree with. Sometimes bad/good stuff happens just because.....

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James Talmage wrote the following on miracles:


Achievements made possible by modern invention of telegraph and telephone with or without wires, the transmutation of mechanical power into electricity with its manifold present applications and yet future possibilities, the development of the gasoline motor, the present accomplishments in aerial navigation—these are no longer miracles in man's estimation, because they are all in some degree understood, are controlled by human agency, and, moreover, are continuous in their operation and not phenomenal. We arbitrarily classify as miracles only such phenomena as are unusual, special, transitory, and wrought by an agency beyond the power of man's control.

In a broader sense, all nature is miracle. Man has learned that by planting the seed of the grape in suitable soil, and by due cultivation, he may conduce to the growth of what shall be a mature and fruitful vine; but is there no miracle, even in the sense of inscrutable processes, in that development? Is there less of real miracle in the so-called natural course of plant development—the growth of root, stem, leaves, and fruit, with the final elaboration of the rich nectar of the vine—than there was in what appears supernatural in the transmutation of water into wine at Cana [by Jesus]?

In the contemplation of the miracles wrought by Christ, we must of necessity recognize the operation of a power transcending our present human understanding. In this field, science has not yet advanced far enough to analyze and explain. To deny the actuality of miracles on the ground that, because we cannot comprehend the means, the reported results are fictitious, is to arrogate to the human mind the attribute of omniscience, by implying that what man cannot comprehend cannot be, and that therefore he is able to comprehend all that is. The miracles of record in the Gospels are as fully supported by evidence as are many of the historical events which call forth neither protest nor demand for further proof. To the believer in the divinity of Christ, the miracles are sufficiently attested; to the unbeliever they appear but as myths and fables.  (Jesus The Christ, James Talmage, pages 148 to 149)

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