Office Red Tape--partial rant, otherwise WWYD?


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So I have been attempting to upgrade my teaching license like... all summer. Because I'm in a unique-but-still-recognized situation (one that even has its own official forms for, so it's not a terribly crazy position) I can't quite go about things the usual way. I understand that and am cool with such. What I am not cool with is the circles I've been sent in and the incomplete sections of information I am given for what should have be a fairly simple process even for my situation.


The last thing I've been told is to resubmit a form I submitted a month ago. Why? I don't know. I also don't know why this office of education can't use the form I already submitted. I made a big oops and failed to make a personal copy of the first form I submitted (my bad and breaking a personal rule). This means I have to wait awhile for my principal to get back from vacation to sign the form-again. My big complaint about this is that I am required to submit this form with a fee-- a fee I already sent in with the aforementioned first form. I suppose it's not an outrageous fee, but I now feel the first fee went to absolutely nothing (and yes, the check was cashed). I really don't want this to turn into a situation where I have to write check after superfluous check.


So, what should I do? Bite the bullet, resubmit the form, write another check, and call it just the part of the system not worth fighting and be grateful it means I have a nice job? Pester the office until they drag out the old form and waive the repeated fee? Ask for at least one or the other? Do the first thing and after I have my license send in a strongly worded letter? Something else entirely?


I used to work at an office and I swear we never made it this hard, though I suppose that's a matter of perspective.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm trying very hard not to drive to Salt Lake City and strangle someone. Apparently my feelings about the stupidity of resubmitting the form and payment were accurate... apparently someone at the office was "misinformed" and in turn misinformed me.


Right now I'm preparing to mail in copies of the entire paper trail, hope USPS doesn't lose everything (Happened after the OP), and hope this makes everyone happy.

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