Pastors Now Legally Banned From Calling Gay Lifestyle “Sinful”…

Average Joe

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In the state of Kentucky, it is now officially illegal for pastors volunteering to council juvenile criminals to refer to gay behavior as “sinful”. An imposed test demands that they either refrain from declaring it’s a sin, or the state dismisses them. Yes, this is really happening now.


Link to full article:  Louder With Crowder


[Edited to reduce the amount of cited text, to avoid copyright issues.  --JAG]

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Do you ever have a day when you feel like the world is a lost cause, and we're already at Hell's door? I feel that way today. Heavy with the fallen and falling state of our world.

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Do you ever have a day when you feel like the world is a lost cause, and we're already at Hell's door? I feel that way today. Heavy with the fallen and falling state of our world.


I've been feeling like that since 2008-it just keeps getting worse and worse.  I've been praying since then that Christ would come-while I might not be 100% ready . . . I'm ready. Back then I felt like a lunatic (I still feel like it at times) It's been kind of weird to actually have more and more people feel the same thing I've been feeling . . . 

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I've been feeling like that since 2008-it just keeps getting worse and worse.  I've been praying since then that Christ would come-while I might not be 100% ready . . . I'm ready. Back then I felt like a lunatic (I still feel like it at times) It's been kind of weird to actually have more and more people feel the same thing I've been feeling . . . 


long way to go before He comes again, so strap yourself in and get ready for a ride!

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long way to go before He comes again, so strap yourself in and get ready for a ride!


Yeah, probably . . . but I can pray and dream right! Don't crush it !:-)  Trying to raise righteous adults in today's world . . .man that is a tough one. I hope the teen years are kind to me.

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Do you ever have a day when you feel like the world is a lost cause, and we're already at Hell's door? I feel that way today. Heavy with the fallen and falling state of our world.


I feel that way a lot lately.  I look at the religious persecution all around (some of it even coming from church members!) and things like SSM, legal pot, and the Caitlyn Jenners of the world....and I am actually kind of relieved that I am closer to the end of my life than to its beginning because I don't want to see the things that are yet to come.

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I feel that way a lot lately.  I look at the religious persecution all around (some of it even coming from church members!) and things like SSM, legal pot, and the Caitlyn Jenners of the world....and I am actually kind of relieved that I am closer to the end of my life than to its beginning because I don't want to see the things that are yet to come.

Me too.

It turned out that I don't have children.  And I'm frequently glad for them that I didn't.  I feel sorry for the decent young people out there today.  It is going to be a long ugly road for them.


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God is certainly hastening His work, but sometimes it appears that Satan is matching Him stride for stride.  :(




Satan will even (seemingly) take the lead for awhile...

And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries. And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed. (Daniel 11:33-35)

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Well, just a few small, almost incidental things need to happen before He comes again - that is unless your pre-trib rapturing :D so I'm thinking we have a year or two - give or take a year or two :)


I would hardly call a year or two a long way to go. ;)

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Guest MormonGator

Highly skeptical of this story. The Supreme court let the Westboro Baptist church protest at funerals, so I'm highly doubtful that pastors are "legally banned" (very powerful words) from calling the gay lifestyle sinful. 


I'm from Missouri on this issue. When you show me pastors who have been jailed/fined, I'll believe it. Obviously, if they were "legally banned" from calling homosexuality sinful, they would be arrested and prosecuted if they did.


I am NOT saying it won't happen in the future, but as of right now, it's not happening.  If it was, you would hear about it. This kind of fear mongering helps no one. 

WND is not objective news. This would be broadcast all over the place because it's essentially a free speech issue. 


What really happened is a pastor with other serious problems was fired from a state run job. Is it a troubling sign? Yup. Is it the same as what the title of the thread says? No by a long shot. 


I know I'll stand alone on this issue, but deep breath everyone. 

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Guest MormonGator

Here is the actual story link that caused such an uproar. Like I said, huge difference between this and "legally banning pastors from calling homosexuality sinful." 

And for the record, I think homosexual acts are sinful and I am also worried about church and state issues. But I don't believe all things I read on the internet without looking into them in depth first. 

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Here is the actual story link that caused such an uproar. Like I said, huge difference between this and "legally banning pastors from calling homosexuality sinful." 


How so? The pastors are legally prohibited from telling the adolescents that homosexuality is wrong. That is fact. The link you provided makes that clear.

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Mormon gator

You might also look into a Navy pastor/counselor who was drummed out of the service for so counseling people. 

That story was around a month or more ago. 

So these are the dark things that are now happening.


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As far as I can see, pastors have been told not to call LGBT lifestyles sinful in their capacity as counsellors to juvenile offenders. There may be a good case for this (a time and a place, etc.) and there may be good arguments against (that counsellors should be allowed to bring all their beliefs and understandings to bear on the problem). But either way, this is not the same thing as what the title suggests.


(Note the ellipsis at the end of the title!)


Tabloid journalists use this kind of trick to raise readers' hackles before they have even started to read the main text - where the actual facts can be slipped in via the small print. It allows newspaper editors to manipulate public anger while disingenuously claiming that their articles are "balanced".


A notorious example of this happened back in the 1990s when Colin Stagg was released from jail, having been cleared of murdering Rachel Nickell. The Sun carried the front page headline "No Girl Is Safe" beside a large portrait of Stagg. The headline was arguably true (the real killer was still out there) and the story was certainly to do with Stagg's acquittal (justifying a picture of him). There was no explicit claim that Stagg was the reason why no girl was safe. But that was certainly the message the public got!


(By the way, a man called Robert Napper was eventually convicted of the murder. The original "Not Guilty" verdict had been quite correct: Colin Stagg had had nothing to do with it.)

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