He Is Risen


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I have been meditating and pondering the significance of the resurrection of Jesus.  I offer some of my thoughts.


To begin with the ramifications are stunning – In essence the resurrection changed everything – especially concerning religion; things like doctrine, ordinances, covenants and purposes of worship.  Some may think the changes to be gradual and subtle.  But then I would guess that such opinions would be based in perspective and desired outcome.   Throughout the history of man various celebrations, feasts and ordinances had been established among the covenant people of G-d.  But the establishment and religious clergy had become so accustomed to the traditions – that the purposes were forgotten and became the blind acts of worship.  It was known that the Messiah would come among the Jews – they knew Jesus to be a possible candidate.  But when the guards of the tomb came to the Chief Priests and told of the stunning events – a lie was hatched by those that should have known better.  (See Matt 28:11-15)  The traditional religious structure and official representatives among the people denied that Jesus is risen.

There are still difficulties in accepting or believing that Jesus is risen – even and especially in the continuing religious community.  Many – including Christian clergy do not believe in the actual resurrection of Jesus.  Many Christians hold the standard of the “Trinity” as the only actual standard of what comprises a Christian.  But the doctrine of the trinity requires that one must believe that G-d (Jesus) is a spirit – this despite the very words of Christ (Luke 24:36-39) that as a resurrected being he was no longer only a spirit but a composite immortal eternal being of flesh and bones as well.


As a resurrected being Jesus made sure that the truth of his flesh and bone resurrection was made known among his true followers – and he also commanded those that believed in him to take the truth of this great event and the changes wrought to the world that was and is still dominated by an establishment and tradition that wants to mitigate and dismiss the immortal and eternal resurrection of flesh and bones.     Even today there are few that testify that Jesus (G-d) is risen – flesh and bones.  And in case there is any possible doubt – I testify that Jesus – our one example of G-d is risen, even as I created this post and that he is, was and will always remain an immortal eternal being, of flesh and bones. 

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