Time Management


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I know there are plenty of good resources available on time mangement including words of the Brethren but I'm trying to identify one story in particular... I believe it had to do with a General Authority interviewing with his Bishop when the Bishop asked about the GA's son not attending many church activities. The GA replied saying that he had not permitted his son to attend all of the activities because there were simply too many and he felt that it was taking away from family time.

Does anyone remember that particular story? Can I get a reference?

Thank you!

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I haven't heard that one specifically.  But many GAs have commented on the topic.  The common threads are:


1) Ward leadership needs to keep in mind the needs and abilities of ward members when planning the quantity, duration, and nature of activities.

2) Parents and families need to prayerfully determine how activities are beneficial for the family and which are simply taking time away from family an other opportunities for spiritual and personal improvement.

3) Church activities are meant to be a helpmeet for parents and individuals.  They can never be a replacement for good, wholesome family activities such as FHE.


The common advice usually includes something like:  a complete lack of participation in any church activities is not warranted in all but the most unusual circumstances.


This is not a rare topic.  Many people are feeling overload from the various responsibilities we find ourselves in.  But I've also seen the other end where people completely check out of all activities.  Some even check out of church itself.


Overwhelm is a very real phenomenon.  But if a family stays out completely, they end up missing out on many blessings that are not readily apparent.

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