What do you make of this Near Death Experience?


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On 8/22/2016 at 4:54 PM, Zarahemla said:

I assume NDEs aren't popular to Mormons, but this site is a Q&A with a Mormon man who had one so I thought I'd link it and see what you make of it. I like how he explains that he believes the Book of Mormon, D&C and Pearl of Great Price are true and that the best path to follow is in the LDS church, but what I don't understand is he says there is only 1 level to heaven, not the 3 degrees of glory being the Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial Kingdoms. http://www.nderf.org/NDERF/NDE_Experiences/william_si's_nde.htm I don't believe in only 1 heaven, but it does give me some comfort if it were true, because I worry about which kingdom I and my family are going to wind up in. I'm also intrigued if you read the whole page about the experience of the sinners in the tunnel of light are just not looking to the light.

If you want an NDE experience that is very accurate when compared to the statements by GA's and the scriptures, I would read "Return From Tomorrow."  It agrees with everything that has been taught by various GA's.  You will find that with many LDS, if it was not stated by a general authority, it isn't true or is suspect.  And even then, when a GA makes a statement, you will also find members who cherry-pick what they want and discard the rest because it disagrees with what they "believe" to be true and/or it goes against their traditions.  Cherry-picking is one of the more popular methods of distorting the truth.  You will hear some give some pretty pathetic excuses as to why they won't accept the statements GA's like, "Did he say, 'thus sayeth the Lord?"  You will find that with some LDS, belief in their traditions is paramount.  Joseph Smith and many other GA's talked about how with some LDS tradition is stronger than the truth.  The other problem with LDS is inherited lies.  According to D&C 123:7-8, inherited lies are "the very mainspring of all corruption." 

In the 1970's, Elder Harold B. Lee and Elder Marion G. Romney began warning the gullible of the LDS to not be taken in by Satan and his counterfeits.  Elder James E. Faust also sounded the alarm in a 1987 talk, "The Great Imitator."   If you want to avoid the pitfalls of false tradition and inherited lies, gain correct knowledge.  I would start by questioning all the secular theories of today.  All too much of the so-called "knowledge" being taught in schools and colleges today is flawed.  the so-called "science" of psychiatry is a classic example because the modern day founders deny the very existence of God, Christ, and Satan.  It has even made inroads into the thinking of many LDS in spite of the warnings of the Brethren.  Belief in the worldly secular wisdom (lies) of today is where the false traditions come into play and when we pass them on to our children, it becomes inherited lies.  Belief in these lies creates unbelief in miracles and the power of the priesthood.

Gain correct knowledge.

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