Tetrad of Solar Eclipses and Sextet of Lunar Eclipses Related to Significant Hebrew Days - Testifies of Second Coming of Jesus Christ?


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19 hours ago, lds2 said:

God gave us His "Holy Convocations" or these Feast Days (given in Leviticus 23) and the eclipses (sun, moon and stars were made by Him and set in the heavens by Him for His signs He says in Genesis 1:14 [Moed - actual word used in the Leviticus means "divine appointments"]) So He is telling us he will use these things in the future for His purposes...and they have been used by Him, i.e. Jesus fulfilled the first 4 of His 7 "Holy Convocations", Feast Days or Divine Appointments (Moed) with his death and resurrection and when He created His Church on the exact days of these feasts...whether there are any further divine appointments to be fulfilled related to the last three fall feast days...that would be something for your own study and prayer.

In Relief Society a few weeks ago we learned about Passover and the amazing things that happened during the Passovers during the years of Jesus' ministry. As explained above he then died, was resurrected, and created the Church during his "first coming" on the divinely appointed days. He has used these Feast Days at other times to mark other things as important, such as when Moroni came during the Fall Feast Season several years in a row and then Joseph was given the plates on the Feast of Trumpets (a fall feast which most believe will have to do with his second coming as they are yet unfulfilled by Jesus Christ). Also, Jesus and Elijah came to the Kirtland Temple during Passover (the Jews believe Elijah will come during passover and set a place for him during their two day meal and so that year he did come). The Jews were commanded to come to the temple three times a year for Passover (spring festivals), Pentecost (50 days later) and Tabernacles (fall festivals) to be instructed by their high priests, likewise we meet twice a year during these same times to be instructed by our brethren. I don't understand where prophecy and prophets come into these things as these things came from God and need no interpretation. 

When rare sequential lunar eclipses coincide with these days as well as solar eclipses on the Hebrew New Year's days (first commandment to the House of Israel was to establish the calendar to count His days) for years in a row, well that is not a prophetic thing, it is a God thing.

(These same rare signs in the heavens on His Feast times were seen around the time Israel became a nation and then again when Jerusalem was reunited.)

To prophesy would be to tell what these things portend. I have not done that, but I have testified that we are in the "latter-days" and that He will come again in the future and that these things were created by Him through His word and set in the heavens by Him to happen in our day. 





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2 hours ago, lds2 said:

God gave us His "Holy Convocations" or these Feast Days (given in Leviticus 23) and the eclipses (sun, moon and stars were made by Him and set in the heavens by Him for His signs He says in Genesis 1:14

Yes, Genesis 1:14 mentions signs.  But such signs are specifically those which he tells us beforehand.  He prophesied to the wise men that there would be a star in the East.  That was a sign.  He told the Nephites about the sun rising and setting but no darkness would be present.  That was a sign.  Revelation tells us that John saw "the moon turn to blood".  That is a sign to look for.  But the signs that you are mentioning in your OP -- where are those mentioned in scripture as an omen or harbinger of the second coming?

The Holy Convocations in Leviticus:  What does any of that have to do with the second coming?  Where is that written?  What you said about Jesus fulfilling four out of seven doesn't really have anything to do with astronomical alignments.  So, how are you making this connection?

2 hours ago, lds2 said:

In Relief Society a few weeks ago we learned about Passover and the amazing things that happened during the Passovers during the years of Jesus' ministry. As explained above he then died, was resurrected, and created the Church during his "first coming" on the divinely appointed days. He has used these Feast Days at other times to mark other things as important, such as when Moroni came during the Fall Feast Season several years in a row and then Joseph was given the plates on the Feast of Trumpets (a fall feast which most believe will have to do with his second coming as they are yet unfulfilled by Jesus Christ). Also, Jesus and Elijah came to the Kirtland Temple during Passover (the Jews believe Elijah will come during passover and set a place for him during their two day meal and so that year he did come). The Jews were commanded to come to the temple three times a year for Passover (spring festivals), Pentecost (50 days later) and Tabernacles (fall festivals) to be instructed by their high priests, likewise we meet twice a year during these same times to be instructed by our brethren. I don't understand where prophecy and prophets come into these things as these things came from God and need no interpretation. 

All these things have to do with prophecies that we understand.  But not that they were linked to feasts and seasons (some, yes.  not all).  And what does any of it have to do with eclipses in the last days being a sign of the second coming?

The Sanhedrin performing their grain offering -- where is that prophesied as a sign of the second coming?

2 hours ago, lds2 said:

When rare sequential lunar eclipses coincide with these days as well as solar eclipses on the Hebrew New Year's days (first commandment to the House of Israel was to establish the calendar to count His days) for years in a row, well that is not a prophetic thing, it is a God thing.

(These same rare signs in the heavens on His Feast times were seen around the time Israel became a nation and then again when Jerusalem was reunited.)

Again, where is any of this mentioned as a prophecy of the last days?  Just because it is rare doesn't mean anything.  Although, if Hillary or Trump ever told the truth about any mistakes they made, then that would be a rare thing.  But I digress.

2 hours ago, lds2 said:

To prophesy would be to tell what these things portend. I have not done that...

But that is exactly what you have implied if not outright stated.  You've said these signs portend the second coming.  Further, you've bristled at our reaction that was essentially "does anyone have any idea what she's talking about?"

2 hours ago, lds2 said:

...I have testified that we are in the "latter-days" and that He will come again in the future 

On this one thought we all agree.  Yes, we are in the last days and he will come again in the future.

2 hours ago, lds2 said:

 and that these things were created by Him through His word and set in the heavens by Him to happen in our day. 

Ok, there you go again.  You just said that "these things" (which I'm assuming mean the items specified in the OP) are signs (this is what I'm interpreting by the last two phrases of this quoted line).

That is the part we are wondering about.  And so far, what I don't see is

1) A logical thought process from the stated word (scripture) to the interpreted word that you have provided.

2) An appeal to Prophetic authority that at least implies:

that these astronomical alignments and the Sanhedrin offering are in any way connected to the Second Coming.

Remember that the big problem was with the OP, not subsequent posts (which still don't clarify the OP).  What does any of this have to do it?

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You are the one saying that His signs have to be foretold first to prophets and then specifically watched for to mean anything. I disagree, when things are associated with His dates and His celestial bodies in ways that are far, far, far beyond "coincidence" they are His works and so can be significant for no other reason. But, If you want to go to prophetic scripture, you yourself quote the scriptures that say before the tribulations the sun will be darkened (solar eclipses?) and the moon turned to blood (total lunar eclipses? which are called blood moons?)...it is a possible fulfillment of prophecy, but then I didn't post that you did. Also, there are scriptures that say before He comes again the priests will be making sacrifices to Him, so the fact that they began to do that this year after millennia is interesting and so I shared that in case anyone else might find that interesting also.

There were multiple signs in the heavens around the years that Jesus was born, most of them were not the "great sign", but there were so many in fact that people that study these things disagree on what the actual sign was and what season it happened in as they again tended to happen around Passover (Spring Feasts) and Tabernacles (Fall Feasts). We are seeing similar signs in the heavens during our time. For instance around the time of his first coming Jupiter (the King planet) went into retrograde at Regulus (the king star of the Leo constellation which represents the Jews) and passed it three times and so some believe this was the sign that brought the wise men (men who studied astronomy and prophecy...I bet plenty of folks probably said they were nuts to take their treasures based on something they imagined happening in the skies) to Israel because of prior prophecy that the Messiah would be born there. During the fall feast time I noticed that there were three conjunctions between Jupiter and Venus and so I wondered where that happened in the sky and found that it was again where Regulus and the Leo constellation was. Many might say that was just meaningless coincidence, but to those people that watch such things, they would find that very interesting and perhaps significant as it is a very rare thing yet very similar to what happened around the time of His first coming. 

I apologize to those that want my opinion of the meaning of the OP but like so many have said here, I am not a prophet. If I put my own interpretation on things I would have been chewed up into teeny tiny pieces and spit out by now, and it certainly would only be my best guess opinion. [Just saying we are in the "latter-days" and that there are things that are God things happening now...even though I have been clear to say that I don't believe that His coming in glory is anywhere close to imminent...has me feeling pretty tattered.] So I have given sources for articles that far more learned men with pertinent degrees behind their names have posted, for those that find these things interesting...they can search any meaning out for themselves there. For those that don't believe such things could happen in our day because He doesn't do the things He did back in olden days and if He did do something our prophets would have told us beforehand, well you all can continue on as you have been doing in this thread telling me your personal beliefs about why these things are ridiculous...meaningless...regardless of it being beyond coincidence.

Seriously, there are many fascinating happenings in the skies for those with open minds and eyes to see...related to these three celestial bodies that represent Him as well as other fulfillment of scriptures. The pattern of heavenly events that similarly could only be a God thing that started the day of the tornado in SLC and repeats five times over decades is amazing, the heavenly signs pertaining to the pyramids next year which could only happen once since creation, and then the Revelation 12 sign perhaps being fulfilled next year...all within days of the Feast of Trumpets...just fascinating to "watchers" like me. Sorry I don't know what they "mean" either, just that they will soon be happening.I wish there were more folks here that were open to such things being a God thing as these things are super, super cool! I post for the sake of mostly lurkers out there...as there are some that actually thank me for my time and efforts in sharing these things. It's true, it has been known to happen :).



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I apologize to any that seriously want to know the meaning of these things as I do hear your frustration my friends, but seriously, if there is any, it is something you need to seek out for yourself and pray about. I could list what still has to happen in the future prophetically speaking, but that is all in the scriptures for anyone to learn for themselves. I would be happy to discuss any questions privately, but I don't promise to have any answers. I think we will know a lot more about any meanings...in hindsight.

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I found this today, thought someone might be interested...for copyright reasons I won't post it all...https://www.lds.org/scriptures/gs/signs-of-the-times?lang=eng


See also Last Days, Latter Days; Second Coming of Jesus Christ; Sign
Events or experiences that God gives to people to show that something important in his work has happened or will soon happen. In the latter days, many signs for the second coming of the Savior have been prophesied. These signals allow faithful people to recognize God’s plan, be warned, and prepare."

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