If Ye Are Prepared Ye Shall Not Fear


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I was reading a thread elsewhere where someone mentioned that they wanted to be able to give reasons to their friends and family about why they believe. (I am currently in the process of inquiring more his back story). Anyway the thought occured to me that when someone asks why I would believe something that I would be inclined to share my testimony. Why I believe it's true. And I realized that while I think this way, its not necessarily what i end up doing.

So naturally I've come to figure out why. Why am I not just sharing my testimony more. After all its through our testimonies that the Spirit can work. When Alma wanted to teach the people and bring them back to the fold he shared pure testimony with them. Most of what we are doing when we share our faith is bearing witness of what we know. And that's the most powerful agent for conversion because it is through those testimonies the Spirit reaches out to people.

I think it's because of fear. Maybe we are afraid to open ourselves up like that. Fear we might be rejected. But is it really something we should be worried about? if we study the scriptures the Lord has promised that we will know what to say. It is after all through the weak and simple things of the world that great things are brought to pass. And the Lord has given us the promise that if we prepare we shall not fear.

What do you think keeps us from sharing the Gospel? Are we really looking for opportunities.

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I agree it's mainly fear. Fear of what? embarrassment, rejection, ridicule... Is this fear justified? It's possible those fears may be realized, but think of what you have to gain- How great shall be your joy if you bring but one soul unto God, how great shall be your joy if you bring many souls. It really is what brings me the greatest joy to see people embrace eternally important truth and change their lives for the better. I really ought to do it more.

And although unprepared people might reject or try to embarrass you, you don't have to let that get to you - and they're not really going to think less of you. If they do, then you know they're not inclined to spiritual things and they're really in need of help... so pray for them, and take confidence in the fact that you have been richly blessed with the Spirit of the Lord, and count your many blessings!

I'm preaching to myself as much as anyone. :)

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I agree but I tend to feel that timing is everything. In other words not only sharing my testimony but doing so when the time is right. I think it has to be when I know the person well enough, and they know me well enough, and that the partcular moment is the right time to do so. I think the Spirit will direct us in this matter which is why it is so critical that we are in tune with the promptings of the Spirit. I also think it should be done more one on one than in a crowd. I have a co-worker who is a non-LDS Christian who will witness to whoever will listen to him at the drop of a hat. I admire his desire to share but he has built quite a reputation as one most folks try to avoid getting to know to well because they know he will begin to get "preachy" with them. That bothers a lot of folks. I think the Spirit will direct you when the time is right, but even more critical is that our lives should be a living testimony and should better demonstrate what we believe, maybe even more than whatever we can say.

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I agree but I tend to feel that timing is everything. In other words not only sharing my testimony but doing so when the time is right. I think it has to be when I know the person well enough, and they know me well enough, and that the partcular moment is the right time to do so. I think the Spirit will direct us in this matter which is why it is so critical that we are in tune with the promptings of the Spirit. I also think it should be done more one on one than in a crowd. I have a co-worker who is a non-LDS Christian who will witness to whoever will listen to him at the drop of a hat. I admire his desire to share but he has built quite a reputation as one most folks try to avoid getting to know to well because they know he will begin to get "preachy" with them. That bothers a lot of folks. I think the Spirit will direct you when the time is right, but even more critical is that our lives should be a living testimony and should better demonstrate what we believe, maybe even more than whatever we can say.

Ditto...can't say it any better than that.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I was reading a thread elsewhere where someone mentioned that they wanted to be able to give reasons to their friends and family about why they believe. (I am currently in the process of inquiring more his back story). Anyway the thought occured to me that when someone asks why I would believe something that I would be inclined to share my testimony. Why I believe it's true. And I realized that while I think this way, its not necessarily what i end up doing.

So naturally I've come to figure out why. Why am I not just sharing my testimony more. After all its through our testimonies that the Spirit can work. When Alma wanted to teach the people and bring them back to the fold he shared pure testimony with them. Most of what we are doing when we share our faith is bearing witness of what we know. And that's the most powerful agent for conversion because it is through those testimonies the Spirit reaches out to people.

I think it's because of fear. Maybe we are afraid to open ourselves up like that. Fear we might be rejected. But is it really something we should be worried about? if we study the scriptures the Lord has promised that we will know what to say. It is after all through the weak and simple things of the world that great things are brought to pass. And the Lord has given us the promise that if we prepare we shall not fear.

What do you think keeps us from sharing the Gospel? Are we really looking for opportunities.

I had a friend who wasnt and still isnt mormon who i was afraid to say anything about the church around her ... when i finally did she said she'd talked to her parents ... her parents told if she did join they'd dis-own her ... so at least I tried and she comes to church with me every once in a while and she enjoys it

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