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  1. I've attended a unit where it's like if you caught on fire they would scoot over because they were getting hot! Then I've been to units where the members told me I could come live with them! I was in the Church more tan a year before I had a regular home teacher or visiting teacher. Almost two before I received my calling. A friend and I make an effort to visit other units when possible. We work a lot with them missionaries on teaching and stuff 'cause they are easier to talk with and socialize with. In my case, I've just had to remember the reasons for which I joined the Church. My friends and I do regular (ish) scrpture study. My friend invites herself to events if they don't invite her. I do sometimes. Lately they been better about including everyone. I go to each meeting determined to feel the Spirit regardless of the social atmosphere. I also make a point to say hi to at least one person if they like it or not. A few ppl have been key in helping me feel welcome; the senior msiionaries in particular. I will have an adjustment phase when they leave; but I will stay! I signed up to do the Lord's will and the ppl at Church are gonna help me and I help them or they gonna be annoyed 'cause I not sitting around while stuff could run smoother. It can be hard to find someone to start working with' but I have found the Relief Society is a good place to start. In bigger Wards too, sometimes ppl are so busy they think someone else has said hi already. I would make a point to be known. Say hi to someone new each week, show up to events with something unique ppl will remember. (My purple eggplant jell-o did it.) Show up at someone's house randomly and tell them yu in the neighborhood and just wanted to stop by. Church is so.much like life because you get out of it what you put in. Hope you can use an idea or two here. I'm crazy so plz take that into account.
  2. Ok, so... I have Asperger's Syndrome. And I am about ready to something very non-autistic, but quite Mormon from what I've seen and ask ppl what they think. Is there anyone else on here that has an autism spectrum disorder or maybe MR; if so, do you date? I just wanna know that much for now. I have never dated, never planned on it... but I am scheduled to get my Patriarchial Blessing next week and I know some ppls' say stuff about marriage and family. I know the LDS doctrine on it. I have no experience in such matters. I fully intend to study the matter in some deatil; however, from years of study and since I joined the Church, I have come to appreciate the dimension of personal experience in studing social based issues. So, long story short: if you havw autism and wouldn't mind answering some general questions, leave a response here. Thank you. (also, you can email me: [email protected])
  3. I have the opposite problem: I call them so much they hang up on me! LOL. They really cool and used to talking to lots of different people. I am supposed to go to a school in Alabama. I got the number 4 the missionaries down there and called them. I talked to them for like 5min and never met either of them; never even been in Alabama! All u got 2 do is say HI, they take it from there.
  4. I don't know. I really wish u luck w that. Let me know how it goes... if u felt he'e really supportive and stuff. Mayb u could support me in trying to... get along w my leadership. My situation is alittle diff... I do really wish u luck. Wish I could b more helpful than that.