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  1. As I understand, theaters make their profits with their concession stand, not with ticket sales. If I'm not willing to respect their standards, then I shouldn't be there. I'm a Netflix junky anyway...
  2. It probably wouldn't do anyone any good to fester over this or confront it. So I say, move on. Shouldn't we be busy putting on a couple eggnog pounds right now anyway?
  3. Good luck and congratulations!!! I've got just over 4 weeks...seems like ages! We don't know the gender and we still can't agree on a name for either sex. Argh!
  4. Loving someone is an action...If you did once, why not now? Has he really changed that much? Have you? Best advice I've ever heard is always treat your spouse as you did when you were dating. (Not waiting for them to do the same.)
  5. I hear you Ben! Things are rough, and the media competes by upping the drama. Fear stumps the economy so we are in a bit of a rut. We've come out before... History does repeat itself... So this should all turn around eventually. (knock on wood) (fingers crossed) Meanwhile, get out of debt and get your food storage!!
  6. Hi Paul. I'm so sad for your situation. I've read through the thread and I'd like to share my opinion. (Hopefully I've understood you correctly!) It seems as though you both changed after the marriage. She became more devout and you became less. I don't believe this gives either of you reason to end the marriage. I don't think the bishop was trying to damage the marriage. Any good LDS leader would say don't settle on anything less than a temple sealing. Your wife did just that. As she is more passionate about the temple now, she may do a lot of fasting praying and improving her own spirituality, in hopes of someday you desiring to go to the temple. But for her to push you away seems to be denying her own initial decision. (the temple or you) I would think the only way to have peace in the marriage is for both of you to stand by the decision you made at the courthouse. You were an LDS member, and she had an LDS spouse without a temple sealing. Obviously you can't control her. But you can stand by your own decision.
  7. James E. Faust- "The Savior’s teaching that handicaps are not punishment for sin, either in the parents or the handicapped, can also be understood and applied in today’s circumstances. How can it possibly be said that an innocent child born with a special problem is being punished? Why should parents who have kept themselves free from social disease, addicting chemicals, and other debilitating substances which might affect their offspring imagine that the birth of a disabled child is some form of divine disapproval? Usually, both the parents and the children are blameless. The Savior of the world reminds us that God “maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.” (Matt. 5:45.) I'm not going to argue Harold B Lee's words...They CAN co-exist!! I don't see how one can conclude, after reading Lee's statement, that mentally handicapped people were not valiant. That is like saying..."George makes blue cars. Therefore, ALL blue cars were made by George" This is ridiculous! Harold B Lee was suggesting that those less valiant were given challenges of location, race, or physical barriers. How does this mean that everyone handicapped is of this category? Here's another question...Why would a less valiant being be sent to the earth and be free from the effects of sin? That doesn't make sense!
  8. Intervening is not punishment. Get involved and save your daughter! She is still a minor and needs her parents. With lots of prayer GET IN THERE! She may get angry/embarrassed/resentful... I think that is a sign of good/involved parents. I'm in the YW at church and see the desperate need for involved parents, who are scared of their kids being angry at them. Also, IMO, the boys parents should be told so they have the opportunity to help him. The youth need their parents!!!! GOOD LUCK!
  9. Love is an action...Therefore a choice. An anonymous quote I've heard is "The real love story begins at the altar." So use wisdom and the spirit! And when you've made your choice always treat that person the way you did when you were dating. There's my 2 cents. As for your specific question...I don't think anyone can answer that except to acknowledge that everyone has a different story. So who knows what yours will be! Good luck!
  10. As far as I know, we don't know exactly when the spirit attaches to the body. Therefore we have to just trust the Lord when He reveals, through his prophet, that abortion can only be considered in certain instances. And even then only OK with proper counsel and personal revelation. With miscarriages...again we don't know. But we do know that God has a plan for all of us and trust, as we live righteously, that these heart breaks are all part of that.
  11. With a 5 and 7 year old I feel like that stage is mostly over with them...and here I am pregnant! It's nice to remember that most every one in the chapel is empathetic, not annoyed. One thing we liked to do was take the kids to church having not eaten recently...cheerios don't have to be that messy!
  12. A leap of Faith can be quite uncomfortable...hence the phrase. I hear your stress, but the cool thing is that it sounds like you are planning to pay anyway...There is your leap! Anytime I've struggled with being faithful I lean on the examples of my parents. You just do what you're supposed to do...no big deal. Good Luck!! If you happened to live near me I'd do a nice family portrait for you on that day. Congrats!!!
  13. DON'T TELL HER! (IMO) Repent and be the awesomest husband in the world forever more. Don't burden her with the pain and distrust. That is YOUR burden to carry, not hers. I think it comes down to protecting the family. Which, of course, includes NEVER doing that again!!!!
  14. It would be nice if we all would keep our legs together 'til marriage...just avoid all this guck.
  15. Here is the official statement on abortion from LDS.org... The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believes in the sanctity of human life. Therefore, the Church opposes elective abortion for personal or social convenience, and counsels its members not to submit to, perform, encourage, pay for, or arrange for such abortions. The Church allows for possible exceptions for its members when: • Pregnancy results from rape or incest, or • A competent physician determines that the life or health of the mother is in serious jeopardy, or • A competent physician determines that the fetus has severe defects that will not allow the baby to survive beyond birth. The Church teaches its members that even these rare exceptions do not justify abortion automatically. Abortion is a most serious matter and should be considered only after the persons involved have consulted with their local church leaders and feel through personal prayer that their decision is correct. The Church has not favored or opposed legislative proposals or public demonstrations concerning abortion. ~So that says it for me!...Remember that annoying song in primary? "Follow the prophet, don't go astray!...":angel: