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  1. Not only are they the funniest family on tv, but no bleeping neccessary. I love that! Most reality shows are bleep bleep bleep. Hey! It's just good tv. lol
  2. Chances are if you had married the other girl you would still have posted that same post. Some people just seem to always be looking for something else instead of nurturing the spouse that they chose to spend their life with. I just don't understand this. Instead of spending time wondering about the what ifs (which is stupid) spend time with your wife, do things for her, just anything! Instead of looking at love as a noun (a THING that just comes to someone) look at love as a verb (action that you have to DO). Do things that show your wife that you are willing to love her. Than that feeling (that alot of people mistakingly believes just comes) will be in your heart. That's when you will be able to look at your wife and know that you were an idot to think otherwise, that you had married the love of your life.
  3. I haven't read all the post so if this has been said sorry. Weither we show respect to someone or not is a choice that we make for ourself. We choose to show respect or not. The reasons we would choose to not show respect to someone, anyone are probaly not Christ like. If someone does something to hurt us or are "not deserving of our respect" why does that give us the right to not be respectful. We are to love everyone and be Christ like. Usally not showing respect to someone is doing or saying something to them or about them that is rude, mean or hateful. How is that showing love or being Christlike. Just my opion!
  4. When your belly is no longer in your personal space and free game for anyone to rub, pat, or touch whenever they feel like it. Even if it is a complete stranger in the supermarket. When everyone ask you when you are due and they go one to tell you everyone they have ever known who has a birthday remotely close to your due date. When you feel that tiny life growing and can hardly wait to see what they look, feel and sound like. :)
  5. I hope that this not inappropirate but it was just so funny I wanted to share.
  6. Wow I didn't know that you could get a different one. Kinda seems to me that it would take the sacradness out of it. Probaly because I never considered it. I love my blessing! It's just sometimes I feel like well I messed that one up. Like there are so many things in there that I just don't qualify for anymore. I know deep down that probaly isn't true. I'm just such a different person now than I was than (22 years ago) like he was talking to someone else. I THINK THAT I MAY BE LOSSING MY MARBLES!
  7. I'm just curious about the way a patriarchal blessing works. I have had questions before and never really asked anyone. Anyway most of the time people recieve their blessings as teenagers. I know that the blessings are there for us if we live righteously. What happens when someone (after they have recieved their blessings) becomes inactive, lived a life not worhty of these blessings. Than some time later becomes active? Are those blessings null and void? I realize that we can be forgiven of past sins and receive blessings for following the commandment. But what of specific blessings in our patriarchal blessing? If kinda sounds silly as I type it but it almost feels as if there is a window of oppertunity.
  8. I asked my daughter the gullible in the dictionary question. She says and I quote" It was never in there, I'm not stupid Mom." She makes me laugh! After I told her it was a joke all she could do was beg me to not post it on facebook. I didn't on facebook but this is free game since you don't know her.
  9. As much as I love my 15 year old daughter she must be the most guillable. My favorite story is when she was in 6th grade (11 years old) her friends was tring to tell her that there was no santa (yes she stilled belived than). She came home and was telling us that so and so was saying that there was no santa that it was our parets and she says to us "but I got them I told them there was no way that my parents could get around the world in one night" I can only imagie the looks on her friends faces. I think that she was very confused after we let her in on the truth.
  10. Thanks yes a bit clearer. clearer than mud but not spring water either. And that is what it is saying about the link. I really do wish that there was this cisco technogoly for real life people sounds like it would be very handy. lol
  11. Mahone that link was blocked to me?
  12. That does help me to understand it somewhat. (I've always loved anologies) but now I'm just curious. Why I can understand how helpful it would be to be able to listen to both my children at the same time and understand what they are saying. What is the purpose of two computer networks needing the same internet at the same time?
  13. ok here is a funny story. Today my 3year old son was telling me something and it felt like he was talking in a foreign laungage. I didn't understand one word he was saying. I turned to my 4year old daughter and said did you understand any of that and she very clearly translated what my son had just said. I felt excatly the same way reading your post. I really should learn more about stuff. Glad you got your help.
  14. I read a book about this once and the only thing I remember out of the whole book was that the girl told the guy and he started to feel that he didn't want to marry the wonderful woman. In a meeting with them and their bishop the young man started to tell the bishop how he wanted to marry a women who was (don't remember the exact words) righteous. The bishop than turned to the young man and said (i do remember these exact words) Young man may I please have your temple recomend. I feel that your past is between you and the Lord but I also believe that sharing such things can really bind two people if the two people will allow it. I don't feel that you should have to tell him but I also feel that if it bothers you not to tell him that won't go away. Not sure if this helps but here you go.
  15. I just wanted to say that I hope you did not misunderstand me. I'm not trying to make any type of judgement at all. You aren't able to hear a persons tone on a formun. I love youth and all of the difference in them that make them who they are. I don't see anything wrong with that type of haircut at all. I think that the youth today are faced with so many challenges that their hair should be the least of our worries. I guess I was just tring to say that I think that you misunderstood the advice that was given to you. I don't feel that anyone was tring to put down your beliefs your morals or your values. I do sometimes feel that the youth don't show as much respect to adults as they should and I guess that I was tring to help you see that. Not my place so sorry for that. If all you really wanted was a yes or no than in my oppion yes according to the pictures you showed us it's appropriate. But I must add that I am in no way qualified to answer that. If a priesthood leader said it was not than for me it wouldn't be. So again best of luck to your hockey team. And again I appolize if I offened you in any way.