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  1. I am looking for feedback on Intersexed members of the church. This term is sometimes referred to as transexuals. What is your thoughts about these members of the church and their unique situations. I know multiple members that have this condition, some that are bearing this as is and others that have chosen to transition and their status in the church is unchanged. What are your thoughts-good, bad, ugly-are they sinners and is it just a state of mind that with enough prayer that this condition can be changed or reconditioned out of their systems, or if they should be permitted to still recieve full benefits of membership in the church.
  2. so apparently the consensus is that if it is about comfort and nothing sexual-comfort only church authority is okay with the wearing of the garment.
  3. Ourselves and another member of the church got into a discussion the other night about the temple garment. After doing some research we have not been able to find an answer. Looking for some insight. Back before 1973??? could be wrong on the date, there was only 1 style of garment. It was the men's. Is it permitted to have a female wear the male garment? I spoke with a temple president and he said it is up to the priesthood leader. On the package it states "mens authorized pattern". This item is for use only by endowed members of the...and is not for resale. Curious as to others thoughts and feelings. Have had others say, the garment is an outward expression of an inner commitment, but no real concrete answers. Anyone want to take a stab at this one?