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  1. LONG before creating humans, God created many invisible spirit creatures—angels. In Eden, a rebellious angel, who came to be known as Satan the Devil, slyly endeavored to tempt Eve into eating the fruit of the one tree that God had ruled out. Using a serpent, or snake, as a mouthpiece, Satan implied that God was withholding something desirable from the woman and her husband. The angel told Eve that she and her husband would not die if they ate the forbidden fruit. Satan thus accused God of lying to His human children. The Deceiver presented disobedience to God as an appealing course that would lead to enlightenment and freedom. But this was all a lie—in fact, the first lie ever spoken on earth. The real point at issue involved God’s sovereignty, or supreme rulership—whether God has the right to rule and whether he exercises it in a righteous way and in the best interests of his subjects. Eve believed Satan’s lie. She began to desire the fruit, and then she actually ate some of it. Later she gave some to her husband, and he also ate it. Thus they became sinners. That seemingly simple act was actually an expression of rebellion. By deliberately choosing to disobey God’s command, Adam and Eve rejected the rule of the Creator who had given them everything, including perfect life.
  2. Tree of life. A tree in the garden of Eden. The Bible does not indicate that it had inherent life-giving qualities in its fruit; instead, it represented God’s guarantee of everlasting life to those he would allow to eat of its fruit.—Ge 2:9; 3:22. Tree of the knowledge of good and bad. A tree in the garden of Eden that God used as a symbol of his right to set the standards for mankind as to what is “good” and what is “bad.”—Ge 2:9, 17.
  3. There happened to be a man who wanted to watch the superbowl, but had to work that night, so he taped it. The following morning who would view the man with malice, if he decided to watch the game from the beginning? He had to power to see the finale, however chose to let things play out. Likewise, the true God, infinite in power has the ability to foreknow events, but makes selective and discretionary use of that ability, giving to all his intelligent creation due regard for the free will with which he has endowed them. Being matchless in power, he can meet any challenge or emergency that might arise as a result of his intelligent creatures exercising there free will. (Isaiah 40:25, 26; Romans 11:33). The Almighty has no need for a set plan that determines every action of every individual ever born in creation (Proverbs 19:21). Nowhere in the divine record does it state that it was God’s plan for man to fall. Rather than having a plan, the divine one is said to have an eternal purpose (Eph. 3:11).
  4. 2. We live in what is called the information age. Over 2,500 yr. ago in the city of Babylon, Daniel prophesied that our age would contain another sort of information, or knowledge, he pinned “and knowledge shall be increased.”- (Da. 12:4). Daniel prophesied that in our day the Truth would become abundant. On Page 219 of The Oxford Dictionary of World Religions it states: “the Christian feast of Jesus’ birth, celebrated on 25 of December. Its observance is first attested in Rome in 336.” The date was chosen to oppose the Roman custom of the feast day or birth day of the sun, or Sol Invictus. For over two centuries after Christ’s birth no one knew or cared exactly when he was born. The World Book Encyclopedia says, the early Christians “considered the celebration of anyone’s birth to be a pagan custom.” So even if Jesus followers knew his exact birth date, The Truth is, they would not have observed it. (Here is the online version (Erin Housing)) Christmas was even outlawed in later ages. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ef/Disc_Sol_BM_GR1899.12-1.2.jpg looks like the Statue of Liberty, coincidence? ***deleted picture by moderator**** Wayyyy too big.
  5. Or do you not know Sin came into existince by the hand of God's enemy. (Isa. 14:12-15)
  6. Have you not read the scriptures? Windy Words without proof ring hollow. Are you suggesting God created sin? Search if you can and I will believe.
  7. I can understand why you may feel that way. Truly I say to you If not for the ransom sacrifice of Jesus, the human family would have been condemned to death (or doomed to die) because the wages sin pays is death, Jesus sacrifice balanced the prefect scales of justice, paid the ransom from that undesirable circumstance. However you say it was a blessing for Adam to sin, since now we will “be exponentially [in a] higher place”, does that seem reasonable? God created Adam and Eve and all their offspring to live forever. What Adam and as a conscience, all of us lost was perfect human life, free from death and suffering. God blessed them, and God said to them, to be fruitful, and multiply, replenish the earth and subdue it, that was his purpose for us (Gen. 1:28; Ps. 37:11, 22, 29). He did not create the earth for nothing (Isa. 45:18). The True God is not a man, that he should plan; he cannot be checkmated or be forced to change his will. He purposes, and no one can check his hand (Isa 55:11; 14:24; Pr. 19:21; Da 4:35). But I say to you Sin did not originate with Adam; sin first broke out in heaven.
  8. All who exercise faith, work in harmony with God’s will, and endure to the end, are saved from the effects of sin and death, that is true. Through the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The question that has been brought up, is if it was God’s plan for Adam to sin?
  9. If I were to do something that you wanted me to do, would you condemn me for it?... Then, if Adam’s sin was God’s will, why was Adam driven out of Eden as a sinner? (Gen. 3:17-19, 23, 24) In defense of the True God (יהוה), the answer really involves the kind of person God is. Would it be just or loving to condemn a person for doing something that you yourself planned for him to do? (יהוה) is a God of love. (1 John 4:8) All his ways are just. (Ps. 37:28; Deut. 32:4) It was not God’s will for Adam to sin; he warned Adam against it. (Gen. 2:17) God did allow Adam, as he does us, the freedom to choose what he would do. Perfection did not rule out the exercise of free will to disobey. Adam chose to rebel against God, despite the warning that death would result. Here is what God set before Adam and Eve.-read (Gen. 1:28; 2:16, 17) would you encourage your children to undertake a project with a marvelous future, knowing from the start that it was doomed to failure? Would you warn them of harm, while knowing that you had planned everything so that they were sure to come to grief? Is it reasonable, then to attribute such to the True God (יהוה)? –Read (Matt. 7:11) If God foreordained and foreknew Adam’s sin and all that would result from this, it would mean that by creating Adam, God deliberately set in motion all the wickedness committed in human history. He would be the source of all the wars, the crime, the immorality, the oppression, the lying, the hypocrisy, the disease, and even the death of infants. But God’s word clearly says: “For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness.” (Ps. 5:4) “Him that loveth violence his soul hateth..” (Ps. 11:5) “God…cannot lie.” (Titus 1:2) “He [the One designated by God as Messianic King] shall redeem their soul from deceit and violence: and precious shall their blood be in his sight.”(Ps. 72:14) “God is love” (1 John 4:8) “He loveth righteousness and judgment”-(Ps. 33:5) “God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man”! (Jas. 1:13)
  10. 1. Jesus taught his followers only one religion, the true religion. It is like a road leading to everlasting life. Jesus said: “Few are the ones finding” that road. (Matthew 7:14) God accepts only worship based on his Word of truth. All true worshippers are united in one faith.—Read John 4:23, 24; 14:6; Ephesians 4:4, 5. Jesus did not mix true worship with the false teachings of his day. So true religion differs from religion that is based on men’s ideas. (Matthew 15:7-9) True worshippers do not preach one thing and practice another.—Read John 17:17; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17. Jesus’ followers are no part of this wicked world. You could recognize the early Christians by the way they took no part in the politics or social conflicts of their day. (John 17:16; 18:36) Also, they did not imitate the world’s harmful practices and attitudes.—Read James 4:4. The early Christian’s taught directly by Jesus himself practice true worship free from the false teachings of their day.
  11. Was Adam’s sin part of “God’s plan”? Was it part of his plan for a child to be born as a neonate, brain dead, or malformed?
  12. SIN: Literally, a missing of the mark, according to the Hebrew and Greek Bible texts. God himself sets the "mark" that his intelligent creatures are to reach. Missing that mark is sin, which is also unrighteousness, or lawlessness. (Rom. 3:23; 1 John 5:17; 3:4) Sin is anything not in harmony with God's personality, standards, ways, and will, all of which are holy. It may involve wrong conduct, failure to do what should be done. Ungodly speech, unclean thoughts, or desires or motives that are selfish. God's holy word differentiates between inherited sin and willful sin, between an act of sin over which a person is repentant and the practice of sin.
  13. I can’t believe I'm still up its past 2: am Let’s begin with a foundation. And we should all come to an agreement as to the truth of the matter. 1. Do we all agree that in the first century christians, after the death of Jesus, the disciples and every one of those congregations practiced true religion free from hypocrisy or false religion? 2. did those early worshipers of (יהוה) Celebrate Christmas? 3. Did they celebrate the birth date of Jesus? 4. That Jesus spoke of a distinct time when (Ac 20:29-30) the true religion would be infiltrated by false teachers.5. And where was Santa Clause at this time?
  14. ha I guess that is a Joke Eowyn, I dont get it but good day to you. Who is ARagon?
  15. Well its almost 10Am in the morning here so I will have to log off. but I will hear from you my friends after work. It sure is cold today, hope all will go well.