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  1. I think it's both. Who doesn't love a good barbecue?
  2. And here I was reading about a lawyer fired for not attending the same camp as you because he didn't want to --CENSORED-- with the other --CENSORED-- --CENSORED-- Yeahm not a nice story and I don't know how much is just maybe a local chapter's take on things, or whatnot, but.. At least you came out of it better than you went in I should hope.
  3. If I could find an image of the trollface for easy use, I'd put it next to his name. Definately troll, and if he left just after saying it, not a very good one either.
  4. There was an Elder in my Mission in Texas, who lived solely on rice and put his stipend into a seperate savings account. This was so he could buy a car when he got off his mission. Another who was promised things when he got home. Neither of them made very good missionaries. For your son to be the most effective, he has to want to be there, of his own will and choice. Otherwise he does the Lord a disservice.
  5. A Patriarichal Blessing is predicated upon our obedience, and is only a small slice of what he may become. He may still obtain all the other blessings if he chooses the right path now, or later in life. The worst thing you could do is try to force him to do something he doesn't want to do, that's how Satan wanted to do things.
  6. He may be prudent, but his companion may not be. Since companionships change every few months, you can never be certain.
  7. I guess setting up a distribution network to rival Amazon is not easy when you're sitting on nearly a billion in debt.
  8. Personally I am glad to see them go. Soon, the last remnants of the old Republic will be stripped away.. wait.. wrong movie. Anyhow, while it is a shame to see a brick and mortar store die out, they didn't exactly move with the changes or adapt.
  9. Is it really any of their business? I don't think it is right, or proper to actively try to alter someone's system of belief. This is what they will do if you tell them. Sometimes, people just need to shut their mouth when religion or lack thereof comes up.
  10. My main problem here is the aparrent assumption that 100% of pornography is harmful to the creators, and that 100% of those who view it are addicted. This black and white distinction is simply not the case. Yes, some are harmed, severely, and some have a harmful addiction to pornography, but as I said before, especially with the new breed, some are not. We as LDS are supposed to stand against immorality, but biasing our arguments does little good. We have to consider all angles. Should the worst be taken care of first? Yes, but in the world of today, we will never be able to end the worst. The scale of the opponent has to be understood.
  11. I agree, however there is one point to bring up, and that is the advent of modern amateur porn. Self-photography, couples recording themselves, and sharing the videos online, etc. The points the OP made rarely apply to this new pornograpy. I could say more, but there are other things I would rather do than launch ino a diatride about where pornography is going, and not the mainstream media.
  12. I wore hait the same length as yours, and a founding father style beard. I only got positive comments. Got rid of it to look more professional at work. Depends on where you live, people are peope.
  13. My parent's house in California had a metal security door that opened outwards, and a standard door that opened in. We also had a dog we called Bear, and for good reason. Just inside the door was a baseball bat. Now, our neighbourhood wasn't the roughest, but my sister hung out with a rough crowd. We rarely opened the door at night, but when we did, the security door was locked. It provided a good feeling of safety.